Press Review 22 February 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 22 February 2005

The local press report on the DRC situation discussed yesterday in Brussels by the US President and the Belgian Prime minister. The press also comment the recent declarations by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs during his visiting to the DRC.
In a meeting Monday between American President, George Bush, who was on official visit to Brussels to attend a NATO summit and the Belgian prime minister, Guy Verhofstadt, «DRC situation was among the four issues discussed», LE PHARE says and titles: Bush gives green light to Belgium about DRC. Echoing various sources in Brussels, the paper writes, «President Bush?s interest in the Congolese crisis is an indication that Washington has finally decided to take an active part in the search for solutions to the DRC crisis». In this regard, the paper highlights that the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs who participated in the meeting alongside his American colleague, Condoleezza Rice, is due to visit Washington in March « to make thorough assessment of the DRC situation with the latter in a bid to explore what could be achieved by both». The paper foresees aspects such as the formation of mixed brigades which « Washington is resolved to work on alongside the Belgians». It says American President has given Belgians a carte blanche to handle the Congolese issue of course «with the un-hoped for support of Washington ».

« The height of irony is lies in the referral of the DRC dossier to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karel De Gucht, hated by most Congolese officials», LE PHARE writes; the latter is expected in the USA in March for « a review of the DRC situation». As a result, the paper says, « De Gucht is as of now an essential actor to the DRC crisis and Congolese leaders should make an effort to internalise this hard truth».

Karel de Gucht has not changed his negative perception of the Congolese leadership, L?OBSERVATEUR says, alluding to his recent visit to the DRC. The paper therefore wonders whether « this can be regarded as neo-colonialism or frankness».

LE POTENTIEL also refers back to the Sunday declaration by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs which «is continues making waves», echoing the reaction by the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Raymond Ramazani Baya, who says, « Congolese officials, including himself, are no longer surprised by the Belgian Minister?s misplaced rhetoric ». He however acknowledged, « that his colleague?s declarations would not facilitate diplomatic contacts between both countries», the paper says. He further voiced his regret over «the slanderous biographies of Congolese officials distributed to the press by the Belgian delegation» and Mr. De Gucht?s « lies » that Congolese officials have called for sanctions against him following his «heavy professional blunder». The Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs strongly denied making such a statement as declared by Mr. De Gucht considering that he should instead « abstain from making such a statement in defiance», as if he was immune to sanctions. The paper also quotes Mr. De Gucht as declaring that « There are very few politicians in DRC up to their responsibilities» in response to which Mr Ramazani Baya says, «Congolese political actors are wondering whether the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs (?) is actually up to his responsibility in light of the action the Belgium government is about to undertake in DRC».

In this development, LE POTENTIEL writes Kinshasa and Brussels are trying hard to prioritise mature relations of adults and Congolese authorities remain « lucid » in making the difference between Karel De Gucht?s declarations and the Belgium Government?s « with a view to safeguarding the cooperation existing between both countries». The same feeling is shared by Brussels, which according to the paper, thinks, «Karel De Gucht?s declarations should be minimised in favour of the essential relations maintained by both countries».

The paper however regrets that Congolese leaders have not been able to disprove Karel De Gucht?s clinching arguments. « American involvement would hopefully improve the situation in favour of the Congolese people to lead them to the elections which is not a priority to current political leaders», the paper concludes.

L?AVENIR, in turn, describes Karel De Gucht, in its editorial, as rather « disgusting ». The Belgian minister returned to Brussels, «with his tail between his legs», the paper says, indicating « some people want him to resign», exclaiming «Poor Karel!»; « Joseph Kabila feels more than secure. His strength comes from the Congolese people», the paper further says.

Joseph Kabila: « I feel more than secure», LE POTENTIEL writes, echoing the interview given by the Congolese president to the Belgian paper LE SOIR. Referring to Karel De Gucht, the DRC President expressed hope that he (the Belgian minister) would be « more diplomat ». He laid special emphasis on the « significant breakthrough» made in four years, since the transition government was in place « in spite of the weaknesses noted ». Joseph Kabila further says, the insults directed against him and his political party is « the price to pay ». « I feel badly for my mother who is hearing such foulness. It looks horrible to her. Anyway, that is how DRC politics work», he declared.

Responding to a question by the Belgian paper about the formation of a government of broad-based government of national unity after the elections, Joseph Kabila made it clear that it was none of the business of a « Mr. X, Y or Z » to tell the Congolese people, after their first elections since 1960: « You have made your choice, but this is what I deem better for you». According to the Congolese President, « Congolese people?s choice should be respected by everybody».

No to a broad-based government of national unity after the elections, L?AVENIR writes. The paper believes that the authors of the « dangerous assumption consisting in a broad-based government of national unity after the elections » should « currently be on a testing stage» to instil such « incongruity » in the Congolese people. The paper recalls that the UN deputy Secretary-General in charge of Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, is the one who put forward the idea. The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karel De Gucht, repeated this during his last visit to the DRC, the paper says, wondering why « the overseas laboratories» that is trying to impose their scheme on the DRC can not do so in their own countries, indicating that they are trying to safeguard their interests to the detriment of the «Congolese silent majority?s».

Under the title, the DRC upcoming elections? stake, LA REFERENCE PLUS echoes a reflection by André Mbata, professor of the University of Kinshasa who argued that elections constitute a real challenge to nascent democracies and declared that « the institution and consolidation of democracy requires some political culture from both the leaders and the people at large ».