Press Review

9 mar 2009

Press Review

The calling-off of today's Christian march and the Belgian minister of foreign affairs' visit are the dominant news in today's local press.
The headlines in LE PHARE read: «Due to interference by some political parties, notably Fonus and the Démocratie Chrétienne, Catholics have modified the format of the march for the elections»; « Due in November 2004, the purpose of the march was to prove to the transition's stakeholders that the Congolese people were ready for the elections, unfortunately the march will no longer have the same scale as expected by the Kinshasa-based clergy», the paper says, explaining that «the clergy was planning a march during which ballot boxes will be carried up to the CEI's seat». The paper further says, «Priests will instead say two masses; one in the morning and the other one in the evening».

LE PALMARES, for its part, warns that «anything can happen today» and describes the Wednesday event as «dangerous», adding that «the catholic church has defused the bomb». It however wonders, «What UDPS and PALU would think». The paper quotes Father Fulgence Mukeba, speaker of the DRC National Episcopal Conference known as CENCO as declaring, «if political parties have something else in mind, let them choose another day for their own march».

LA REFERENCE PLUS refers back to the 16 February 1992 march and quotes one of its organisers, Pierre Lumbi, as declaring, «The 16 February 1992 march was a God-made miracle».

The headlines in LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES read: « The Nation's civil society to keep their promise: Christians to march displaying 1000 ballot boxes». The 'Collectif de la Société Civile'/A platform of civil society groupings is quoted by the paper as declaring «the march which is a first, will take place simultaneously in Kinshasa, the other towns and inlands». «In the province, it will be coordinated by the local churches' representatives and the civil society». Apparently the paper put its edition to bed before the march was called off.

LE POTENTIEL, for its part, comments on the teachers' and paramedics strike, indicating, «Ambiguity persists». Referring to yesterday's cabinet meeting at the African Union Estate, the paper says, «The government has negotiated 7-billion Congolese francs package with the HIPC scheme and describes the teachers' threat to go on strike as legitimate following non-payment of their December salaries. However, the government has already initiated the process of earmarking funds in this respect».

In other news, LE POTENTIEL announces the Belgian minister of foreign affairs, Karel De Gucht's visit to Kinshasa today and writes: «the Belgian minister is due to meet with several personalities, more particularly the members of CIAT, the world bank and the international organisations based in Kinshasa». For the Belgian minister of foreign affairs, quoted by Belgian paper known as LE SOIR, «elections must be held this year».

In the same development, LE PALMARES says, «Belgian minister of foreign affairs remains unpredictable»; he made another big statement on the after the elections that «they should start reflecting on how to avoid having a situation whereby losers should take back weapons ».

LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES also comments on Karel De Gucht's visit to Kinshasa and says, «The Belgian minister of foreign affairs (is) split between his frankness and the European Union's position regarding the transition». The paper recalls « the differences opposing both countries», referring to a visit amidst mistrust. .

L'OBSERVATEUR reports on army's merging and says General Amisi Tango 'Fort', commander of the 8th military region, is proceeding with the huge and complex operation of merging the Maï Maï and RCD militia troops. Over 8,000 militia troops are targeted.