Press Review 14 February 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 14 February 2005

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the DRC, William Swing's visit to Europe and the current Parliament's extraordinary session are the major issues covered by today's local press.
« Intensive diplomatic activities in Brussels: William Swing, Louis Michel, Aldo Ajello are currently meeting with a view to give fresh impetus to the DRC's transition», L'OBSERVATEUR writes, indicating « the above personalities reviewed the DRC's transition process, more particularly how they can best address the essential outstanding issues to swiftly push forward the electoral process». The paper further highlights that « the diplomats were the of the opinion that army's reunification is one of the preconditions to the organisation of the elections. They issued a new urgent appeal to all the transition's stakeholders and political leaders to accelerate the process by drafting the law on the census, the draft constitution and possibly the amendments ». L'AVENIR goes back over the protests against Monuc deployment in Kikwit following consultations held by the natives of Bandundu province in Kinshasa, adding that the latter are in a state of « alert ». «The natives of the town say there is no particular problem of insecurity in Kikwit», the paper writes, quoting the latter as indicating that «Monuc is seeking to help Kigali which thinks that there some Interhamwe are still living in that part of the DRC after taking to Muanda a horde of Rwandan and Ugandan nationals who, erring from one bush to another finally got to Kikwit; whilst other people regard Monuc intention to deploy even where its presence is not needed as a suspicious attempt to control the DRC».

Referring to the parliament-convened extraordinary session, LE POTENTIEL writes: «Kabila stops the recess », indicating that the presidential decree has clearly specified, «the national assembly would examine and adopt the draft budget 2005 submitted since 28 December 2004. The senate, in turn, will swiftly examine the draft constitution ». In the same development, LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES says, «MPs and Senators must shoulder their responsibilities», asking the MPs to show their good willingness to end the transition. LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES, as far it is concerned, writes, ' Until proved otherwise, the session is the last one before the conclusion of the transition. MPs and senators are therefore split between the inter-institutional seminar's recommendations and the ensuing reaction by the population». L'AVENIR, for its part, says, « error is not allowed ». «MPS and senators should therefore make every possible effort in order to endorse the responsibility due to the delay in putting in place the legal instruments for the organisation of the elections ».

LA REFERENCE PLUS wonders whether ' the presidential circle is not overcome with the virus of 'wheeling and dealing' » and highlights: « partners seriously worried whilst the government has no leader; members of the presidential circle give the impression of not leading effectively, under the term of the article 82 of the constitution».

LE PALMARES refers back to the inter-institutional seminar and publishes RCD's communiqué forbidding its MPs to travel to the inland to disseminate the seminar's recommendations. For RCD, the paper says, ' the seminar was a forum of professionals and experts but not an institution which MPs should depend upon; unless a plenary by the two chambers endorse such recommendations, RCD's MPs and senators will not participate in the campaign ».