Press Review 10 February 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 10 February 2005

Today's Congolese press mainly focus on the last developments following the inter-institutional workshop on the electoral process and the future DRC's constitution.
«MONUC supports the holding of elections in DR Congo within the constitution's time frame» L'AVENIR says, quoting the UN Mission's spokesman, Mr. Bah as stating «the UN Mission applauds the holding of the inter-institutional workshop (on the electoral process') that took place in Kinshasa early this month. It commends participants for the work they achieved and urges the transition's institutions to carry through the tasks entrusted to them, that of leading the people to the elections within the constitution's time frame».

« While welcoming the holding of the inter-institutional workshop on the electoral process and the DRC's future constitution, LE PHARE writes, 'MONUC expresses its disappointment at government's poor participation to the workshop. »
« Government senior members were invited, MONUC's spokesman says, but did not respond. » However, referring to the substance of the discussions, the paper notes, «MONUC is satisfied that a time table was set for the Constitution; by late March 2005, Mamadou Bah said, the DR Congo may have a draft Constitution should everyone respect their commitment. » Another reason for MONUC's satisfaction is, according to the paper: «CEI (Independent Electoral Commission) pledged to start identifying and enrolling voters by June 2005' Both chambers of the Parliament ' National Assembly and Senate ' vowed to increase the 10% national financial contribution by the government towards the organisation of the elections over the global coast estimated at 28 millions dollars ».

The headlines in TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES reads: «MONUC wants concrete actions from the Government». The paper recalls the visit by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for the DRC, William Swing on Saturday to Abuja, Nigeria accompanied by the European Union's ambassador, Carlo De Fillipi. «Nigeria is ready to share its experience with the DRC with respect to voters' identification and enrolment», the paper says, estimating that « William Swing and Carlo De Fillipi discussed the issue with the Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo».
Le Potentiel quotes the CEI president as declaring that « the immediate priority should be to make its institution operational; given that the calendar allows for the installation of 64 technical liaison offices and 12 relay offices in the provinces. »
« We need concrete actions», Father Apollinaire Malu Malu told the Italian ambassador to Kinshasa Wednesday to whilst receiving from the latter a donation of computer equipment from Italian government.

Referring to the trip, L'Observateur announces « Karl De Gucht to be in Kinshasa next Wednesday' to revitalise the Belgian and Congolese relations». The Belgian Minister of foreign affairs' visit « will contribute to the improvement of relations between both countries, after the tension caused by his discourteous remarks against the Congolese leaders in September 2004 », the paper says.

Le Potentiel, in turn, writes « CIAT issued ultimatum demanding that the different components and entities to definitely sort out the outstanding issue of the power sharing of responsibilities no later than 3 February 2005 now overdue; apparently they showed no interest'The sharing of posts within public firms and territorial administration continues posing problems; RCD, the political opposition and the civil society stick to their positions' »

In another development, Le Palmarès announces on its front page: « The International Criminal Court issues a warrant of arrest against a Congolese official», suspected of « funding Joseph Kabila's assassination in Kinshasa. » Etienne Mundele, « Congolese multimillionaire based in Canada, who declared himself as candidate for the presidential elections from Canada », the paper reveals.