Press Review 7 February 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 7 February 2005

Bandundu Governor's intervention for MONUC establishment in Kikwit and the inter-institutional workshop's recommendations about the electoral calendar are the major subjects covered by today's local press.
« Bandundu governor intervenes in favour of MONUC», L'OBSERVATEUR titles, indicating «Mr. Sabin Sadiboko, the governor of Bandundu province, recently appealed to the population of Kikwit district for appeasement and to welcome the MONUC team in that town as they had done to other UN agencies that already started working there». The province governor vowed, «he shall never allow enemies in Kikwit to sacrifice its population». He further declared, « if the military aspect is effectively operating in Eastern DRC, the humanitarian aspect should as well here, adding that MONUC should support the Independent Electoral work in Bandundu».

Referring to the inter-institutional seminar, LE PHARE reports, «besides the postponement of the elections and the prolongation of the transition, the inter-institutional workshop has selected candidates for the elections». The paper says, «participants pledged to accelerate the electoral and referendum processes and also set out major options for the draft constitutions of the 3rd Republic».

LE PHARE further refers to the UN Security Council's report on the violation of the UN weapons embargo on the DRC armed groups, highlighting with conclusive evidence that «violations continue being perpetrated with impunity, even by some high-ranking officers of some components and entities that are party to the transition's institutions. To this end, they use small aircrafts and trucks that are not controlled by the customs services». The paper publishes a communiqué issued by the 'Front pour la tenue des élections avant le 30 juin 2005/Front for the holding of the elections on 30 June 2005 initiated by Antoine Gizenga. In the communiqué, the front renews their rejection of any attempt to prolong the transition and calls on the transition's institutions and the international community to do everything possible to have the legislative and presidential elections organised in compliance with the spirit and the letter of the all-inclusive agreement.

LA REFERENCE PLUS says, «elections will not be held before 30 June 2005» and writes «Tshisekedi and Gizenga are opposed to any prolongation of the transition and have pledged to organise protest movements».

L'AVENIR, as far as it is concerned, refers to what is left unsaid of the inter-institutional seminar and writes, «there is no miracle to perform», alluding to «the surprise visit by President Joseph Kabila to the ministry of Foreign Affairs, the venue of the inter-institutional workshop and his talks with Olivier Kamitatu and Bishop Marini, respectively speaker of the National Assembly and President of the Senate».

LE POTENTIEL publishes the views expressed by some political key players and diplomats. For William Swing, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the DRC, quoted by LE POTENTIEL, «CIAT has already gathered almost half of the amounts needed to fund the elections». With reference to the recommendations issued by the inter-institutional workshop, the paper says, «the political leadership has expressed a mitigated sentiment». The paper says, « it is time we analysed the final report of the workshop; the majority of the political parties, actors and the observers interviewed expressed a mitigated sentiment about the work achieved by the workshop; they did not believe that the elections would take place within the constitutional time frame, estimating that there are lots of unconfessed intentions around the organisation of the workshop».