Press Review 2 February 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 2 February 2005

The Catholic Church's decision not to participate in the inter-institutional seminar on electoral agenda and constitution, which started this Wednesday in Kinshasa, is the main issue commented by the local press.
LE PHARE titles « The inter-institutional seminar suffers another setback: Catholics say no ». « The institutions' meeting will come up with some major decisions. We do expect them to take decisions falling within their competence and if they need our point of view, we should keep away from a seminar whose objectives are not clearly defined », the paper writes, quoting the head of the DRC Episcopal Conference - known as CENCO (its French acronym)-, Bishop Laurent Monsengwo. The paper further says, «CENCO is however pleased to note that the risks of the disruption of the peace process and the political transition have been dispelled.» «The catholic bishops are willing to make their contribution if a written request be addressed to them ». Bishop Monsengwo is also quoted by L'AVENIR as saying, «catholic bishops have called for the international community to be clear in its initiatives and transparent in its intentions».

On the same seminar, LE PHARE writes « CIAT on the edge » for fear of «giving support to a failed scheme yet kept afloat by the international community», LE PHARE writes, alluding to the communiqué issued by the International Community for the Support of the Transition last Friday «confirming its being the actual initiator of the forum». Explaining CIAT's attitude, the paper says, «for having caused a wide gap between the power in place which it pressured to accelerate the process without donating appropriate means on one hand, and the opposition which it asked to adopt a policy of appeasement without giving appropriate guarantees on the other hand, CIAT has to date come up against a wall of incomprehension. CIAT has now to face the facts».

LE PALMARES titles «William Swing has not said his final word yet », further indicating «MONUC intends to give an all-inclusive character to the workshop, so that everybody would be bound to the workshop's decisions». « Indeed, for those who know the legendary determination of MONUC's boss, Mr. William Swing, who sponsored the seminar, nothing will stop him from moving ahead», the paper says.

LE POTENTIEL stresses the controversy around the inter-institutional seminar and refers to «the fear of DRC's balkanisation». Raising the various crises having rocked the process, the paper wonders what would happen «if, at every divergence of views, each former belligerent should retreat to his stronghold; this clearly shows the intention of having the DRC balkanised »

In another development, L'OBSERVATEUR refers to « The deployment of the African force to Eastern DRC on the initiative of the African Union». «The mission of the African Union Force will consist in helping the Congolese army and MONUC peacekeepers with respect to the disarmament of the Interahamwe militiamen and ex-Far in Eastern DRC», the paper explains.

Referring back to the recent UN report on the DRC, L'AVENIR notes, «the security situation in Kinshasa remains unpredictable». Quoting the 'Agence Congolaise de Presse', the paper writes: «the report says that the district of Ituri in the Province Orientale and the Grand Kivu are the most unstable region in DRC and the situation in Katanga, Kasaï Oriental and Kinshasa provinces also remain unpredictable and highly explosive». The paper also reports that MONUC gender office has trained comedians in gender and elections. «The purpose of the training session was to train the artists on women's implication in the democratic and electoral processes». Referring to Monuc.

LE POTENTIEL further raises UN Secretary-General's indignation at the sexual abuse committed by UN staff in the DRC and the exploitation of children under the age of eighteen, alluding to «the rules of conduct for peacekeepers». «Kofi Annan has appealed to the twenty troop-contributing countries to take disciplinary actions and to prosecute the military or civilian troops committing the abuses».