Press Review 27 January 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 27 January 2005

The electoral process and the power sharing agreements in the transition's institutions are the major news in today's local papers. Some papers also comment on the 4th year of President Joseph Kabila in office.
« Electoral timetable: Swing brings in Etienne Tshisekedi (the leader of the main opposition party UDPS) », L'AVENIR titles on its front page. Regarding the meeting between M. Swing and M. Tshisekedi, the paper says its purpose was « to stop the usual protests by the key players who are not part of the transition's institutions». In the same breadth, the paper clarifies MONUC's participation to the forthcoming seminar jointly organised by the national assembly and senate about the electoral process. « This project of seminary would be about discussions, not negotiations», MONUC spokesman, Mr. Mamadou Bah told the weekly news conference on Wednesday. He said « the organizers of the seminar have planned as many participants as possible ' political parties, churches representatives, civil society leaders - beyond the entities and components who have signed the Global Agreement ». LE PHARE further quotes MONUC Spokesman as saying: « MONUC and the International Community's role will consist only in assisting with technical, financial and logistic expertise. It is not our role to decide on the date of the elections. This will be a sovereign decision of the DRC authorities within the framework of the Transitional Constitution». With regard to MONUC weekly press conference, L'OBSERVATEUR echoes the spokesman's statement relating to the security situation in Ituri, indicating: «Armed groups' leaders must issue clear orders to their militiamen. They should invite them to hand over their weapons and disarm ».

LE PHARE as far as it is concerned writes «RCD angry with the CIAT about the power sharing of responsibilities in public firms and territorial administration». The paper publishes RCD's communiqué in this respect, highlighting that «Azarias Ruberwa's party is opposed to the elections as the sole mode for the designation of public firms' chief executive officers and has re-launched the principle of equitable power sharing». LE PALMARES in turn says, «RCD has rejected the sharing of responsibilities in the public firms as proposed by the CIAT, echoing RCD spokesman's message to the press in reaction to the Government Secretary General officer, Mr. Ntumba Luaba's statement that all the components have agreed with the new procedure, which is not true, the CIAT having violated the principle of the all-inclusive agreement in its statement».

In the same development, FORUM DES AS refers to the power sharing in the security services and titles: «DRC Intelligence Office known as ANR and the Immigration Office known DGM in acronym are the bone of contention dividing the PPRD under President Kabila, RCD led by Vice President Ruberwa and MLC led by Jean-Pierre Bemba». «MLC insists on getting either the ANR or DGM for making concessions in the police area, which does not please the PPRD that sticks to the ANR nor the RCD which sticks to the DGM allegedly to better cope with the situation in the Eastern DRC».

LE POTENTIEL rather focuses on the persisting clashing points on the power sharing in public firms, the territorial administration and the intelligence services. According to the paper: «There were differences of views between the CIAT and the eight parties of the transition institutions (five components and three entities) on the Tuesday cabinet meeting held by the ad hoc commission tasked to implement the power sharing in public firms, territorial administration and the intelligence services».

L'OBSERVATEUR assesses President Joseph Kabila's 4-year in power, which it describes as «successful», stressing that «the President has achieved the country's reunification, restored peace to the DRC and initiated a number of actions for the benefit of the country's economy».

In the same development, LE PALMARES refers to « a 4-year search for peace amidst extreme poverty» «If he did remarkably well in the political area and surprised those who did not trust him due to his small age, in the social area on the contrary, he failed to erase the memory of M'zée Laurent-Desiré Kabila. Indeed, despite the assistance, promised or actually provided by the international community refused to his father, living conditions continues deteriorating», the paper writes.