Press Review 11 January 2005

9 mar 2009

Press Review 11 January 2005

Yesterday's unrest in several districts of Kinshasa following rumours on a possible postponement of the elections scheduled for 30th June 2005 is the main issue covered by today's local papers. The papers also give the death toll of the clashes pitting the demonstrators against the police force and echo the DRC Government and Catholic Church reactions.
On the front page of Le Potentiel is shown a picture of a dead body lying in the streets injured by bullets in the mouth and the left hand'« That's too many dead», the paper says, indicating « the city of Kinshasa came close to disaster on Monday. Traffic was disrupted and there were roadblocks in several districts of Kinshasa, more particularly in its eastern part'there were four people killed, several injure, and a lot of mess. »

The catholic Misna News agency quoted by La Référence Plus says, « Monday clashes between demonstrators and the police force left 6 people dead. Thousands peoples took to some districts of Kinshasa such as Masina, Kisangani and Limete, to voice their discontent against the declarations recently made by Father Malu Malu the head of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) with respect to a possible postponement of the general elections scheduled for next June. » Misna News agency further says, « several thousands people from the opposition parties that have no representation in the Transition government such as the 'Parti Lumumbiste Unifié' (PALU) led by Antoine Gizenga, the 'Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès social' (UDPS) led by Etienne Tshisekedi as well as the students and other people. »

« Father Malu Malu's imprudent declaration resulted in 4 dead and 74 people arrested and jailed, Kinshasa governor says whilst UDPS reports 19 dead, several vehicles and one gas station damaged; one FARDC Colonel and one Major were arrested and the Saint Boniface church of Kingasani was looted», Le Palmarès says.

With regard to what Le Phare refers to as « a clear warning to all the political leadership», Le Palmarès publishes the declarations issued by the Government, Bishop Monsengwo Pasinya, the head of the DRC National Episcopal Conference known as CENCO and the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) in this respect.
« Following the acts of sabotage by unlawful people in the pay of some political forces, Kinshasa Governor, Jean Kimbunda decided to take to court the seventy four people arrested».

Bishop Monsengwo Pasinya voiced his protest against « allegations that the Catholic Church was opposed to the elections, which he referred to as mere disinformation and confusion. » He further said: « There are various comments on the head of the CEI's statement, yet the latter does not speak on behalf of the DRC Episcopal Conference. Of course he is a priest! But he spoke on behalf of the Independent Electoral Commission' which is not the Catholic Church's official position,» adding that « the Catholic Church holds on to the constitutional time frame set for the elections», L'Observateur writes, echoing Bishop Monsengwo's news conference held in Kinshasa on Monday.

« Though the public protest march was not authorised by the relevant authority, it could not be suppressed brutally in a disproportionate way to the extent of shooting down protestors. The Congolese Rally for Democracy therefore condemns the bloody suppression, which it refers to as intolerance' », RCD's Secretary-General, Barthélemy Mumba Gama said.

« Disassociating itself from Father Malu Malu, Jean-Pierre Bemba's party holds on to 30 June 2005 », Le Phare says, echoing MLC's position with respect to the elections' calendar.

« In a declaration made by Olivier Kamitatu yesterday, Jean-Pierre Bemba issued a double ultimatum to Joseph Kabila », Le Palmarès titles. «MLC accuses Kabila's party of being an accomplice in the postponement of the elections, the delay in the formation of the integrated army and police as well as in the putting- in-place of the public administration across the country, the public firms and the mixed economy... He said Vice President Jean Pierre Bemba would submit the list of the MLC members to the government within the next few hours for approval by the next cabinet meeting. This would precondition MLC's participation in the meeting. This is the first ultimatum, the second one due to expire on 31 January 2005 relates to the sharing of posts in the territorial administration, diplomacy, security services, management and the public firms. If nothing is done by then, MLC leadership will take appropriate actions for its members at every level of the transition's institution».