Press Review 27 December 2004

6 mar 2009

Press Review 27 December 2004

South Kivu's destabilization and the upcoming elections are the lead stories in today's local press. Some local papers go back over the suspension of the cabinet ministers and the coming visit by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karel de Gucht.
« South Kivu's destabilization after the mutineers' attack on North Kivu is ongoing', L'AVENIR titles, indicating that the masterminds nearly set the province alight when attempting to pit General Budja Mabe against the Maï Maï. «According to our sources, Azarias Ruberwa and Thomas Nziratimana have joined forces to gain control of South Kivu', the paper says, highlighting the existence of parallel administration services, not to mention the security services with up to four or six deputies. LE PHARE commenting on the same topic quotes South Kivu governor in Kinshasa for consultations, as alluding to the destabilization strategy of his province. « South Kivu's destabilization strategy consists in depriving it of the means for its policy', according to governor Bulaimu. He is reportedly making contacts with government officials in order to explain the destabilization strategy against his province.

L'OBSERVATEUR refers to 2005 elections and titles 'political parties starts campaigning'. After the so-called Truth meeting held by Jean-Pierre Bemba, the Vice-President in charge of economic and financial matters, Etienne Tshisekedi (UDPS leader), Diomi Ndongala (suspended minister of mines), Gizenga (PALU's leader), Olengankoy (suspended Minister of Transport) and Lumumba speak to their militants. L'OBSERVATEUR comments on the electoral mood at Etienne Tshisekedi's stronghold after his talks with the European commissioner in charge of development and humanitarian assistance, Louis Michel on 18 December. «Etienne Tshisekedi reiterated his party's determination to see the elections held within the agreed time frame, under the all-inclusive agreement', the paper says.

' Voters' enrolment and elections: political parties out of step'. With such a headline on its front page, LE POTENTIEL says political parties are disorientated. «They have no more resources, say well-informed observers of the Congolese policy. Nothing interesting is happening. They content themselves with media campaigns whilst the grassroots are ill-informed and still in the grip of the perverse effects of the war. » The paper announces the promulgation of the law on voters' identification and census by president Joseph Kabila.

LE PALMARES refers to RCD's meeting of its Founding College due today and indicating, 'RCD is likely to implode', alluding to the replacements of its members within the government: Ondekane (Defense Minister) to be replaced by Onusumba, Emile Ngoy by Kantitima and Banza Mukalay by Mumba.. « As usual, General Ondekane is determined to defend himself fiercely' LE PALMARES says. »

LA REFERENCE PLUS further goes back over relations between the Kingdom of Belgium and the DRC and titles 'Karel de Gutch, Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs, wants to make peace with Joseph Kabila'. The paper announces the latter's visit to Kinshasa in January, reportedly to see how the elections are being prepared. LE PALMARES mentions the meeting between the Belgian minister of foreign affairs and his Congolese counterpart, Ramazani Baya in Brussels.

LA REFERENCE PLUS also speaks of, 'revelations on the presence of Rwandan troops in DRC'. The paper recalls the recent Bukavu events and reveals, 'most of the RCD troops were trained in Rwanda and include Rwandan officers or General Kabarebe's men and includes demobilized troops of the Rwandan army and ex FDLR'. The paper further says that the information was confirmed by several sources amongst others, Mr. Kassem's panel. 'The panel has information and documents proving that the Rwandan Defense Forces continue playing an important role in the ANC operations', LA REFERENCE PLUS writes.

LE PHARE goes back over the suspended ministers' dossier and titles 'Kabila has only six days to act'. Analyzing the facts, the paper writes that the suspension does not tally with the spirit of the Transition's legal nomenclature. « The suspension's legal irregularity and technicality may have led to the current stalemate. At this point, the countdown has begun and president Kabila has until 2 January 2005, to make a definite decision».