Press Review of 15 December 2004

6 mar 2009

Press Review of 15 December 2004

Clashes between Mutineers and Regular army troops in Kanyabayonga/North-Kivu province (Eastern DRC), Europe and African summit to restore dialogue and confidence between Kinshasa and Kigali, Parliament Consultations over the draft constitution are the dominant issues in today's local press.
« Precarious calm in Kanyabayonga», after three days of «fierce clashes» between mutineers and the regular armed troops, Le Phare titles. The paper says, « the situation was calm over the night in a half deserted area», whilst « FARDC's military build-up was reported in Beni and Butembo ». The paper goes on to say: « Approximately 4,000 troops have been deployed to Beni and are proceeding toward the South. » further indicating, « on the third day of the clashes, the toll is seemingly controversial. President Kabila's office reports that the regular armed troops have killed 25 mutineers and captured two Rwandan soldiers while the mutineers indicate that they have killed 12 soldiers of the regular armed forces as confirmed by a journalist of the France Press Agency in Kanyabayonga who counted twelve bodies partially dressed in military clothes».

« Alarming News from Eastern», Le Potentiel reports, echoing Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs' statement: « Kigali would not let the DRC regular army and mutineers proceed to Goma. » For Charles Murigande: « Whether in Kanyabayonga, (where Kinshasa army is based), or in Minova, (where the South Kivu 10th military region's troops are), we know for sure that there are several Interhamwe merged with the FARDC troops. » In this regard, several reliable sources reported to LE POTENTIEL that the ''Kinyarwanda speaking'' (Ndlr, Congolese of Tutsi origin) are determined to defy Kinshasa authority whatever the cost.

To complement Le Potentiel, La Référence Plus wonders whether the aggression were not masterminded by President Kabila's aids. Under the title « DRC's aggression: Is Kabila's entourage accomplice' », the paper discloses that a ''FARDC high-ranking officer, Jules Balume who runs military operations in Eastern DRC holds top secret information (') about the plot behind the current DRC's aggression by Paul Kagame. En route to Kinshasa to give first-hand information to the FARDC army's commander-in-chief, General Balume came under obstruction from President Kabila's aids, in spite of his insistence to meet with Major General Joseph Kabila.'

'There is no mistaking the signs'', L'AVENIR writes. « Struggle for Rebel Leaders' Political Survival» between Kigali and Kinshasa, the paper says, indicating that « Kigali has unconditional and conditional allies perched in the Congolese Government' MLC (Movement for the Liberation of Congo led by Jean-Pierre Bemba) as well as RCD (Congolese Rally for Democracy led by Azarias Ruberwa), under Kigali's supervision, would not like Joseph Kabila to run for the elections' »

To defuse the tensions in the East, Le Phare comments on what it refers to as «the last chance mediation» between the DRC and Rwanda. « According to our sources, the chairman of the African Union Commission, Alpha Omar Konare, is endeavouring to organise in Dar-es- Salam shortly, a summit for the key protagonists to the crisis: President Joseph Kabila of DRC, President Museveni of Uganda, President Ndayizeye of Burundi, (President Kagame of Rwanda) and President Mkapa of Tanzania » under the sponsorship of the European Union.

Parliament initiates consultations on the basic options of the future constitution. La Référence Plus says that some traditional leaders and heads of social and professional associations as well as some Human Rights NGOs handed to Mgr Marini Bodho, the Speaker of the Senate on Tuesday 14 December 2004, views on the basic options. « Ill-timed consultations», Le Potentiel says. According to the paper, «The issue relating to the consultations should not be dealt with as an urgent matter by the Senate where fruitless missions are reported; Priority must rather be given to troops' motivation for the nation's defence' »