Press Review

6 mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local press focus on the obstacles to the work of the DRC Transition's Institutions, more particularly the Parliamentary and Government. They also comment on the protest march organised by Goma residents against insecurity and the Kampala 3rd preliminary meeting before the Great Lakes conference on peace, security and development.
« Every passing day further reveals how careless the Transition players are with regard to the management of the Transition institution», LE POTENTIEL says, indicating in its front page that Parliament awaits five basic laws. A month after October parliament session, the alleged basic laws, especially the ones relating to the referendum and elections, the 3rd Republic Constitution, the census and budget « are still not available in the parliament», whilst the laws on the army, amnesty and nationality «were only recently promulgated». « Who will account for the prejudicial delay' », the paper wonders. «Owing to this, the Government, through president Kabila, said it has already transmitted several draft laws to the Parliament which, in turn, replies that it did receive part of the whole package. Who is telling the truth' », the paper wonders once again, highlighting that seven months from the elections, the major Transition's key players still do not reassure the international Community nor the DRC foreign partners. After the Government published its «Harmonised road map'' » the national and international communities «were expecting the Transition key players to show their political determination for a successful Transition», unfortunately everybody is «disenchanted today to see them dragging their feet», LE POTENTIEL says, indicating that «Congolese political key players are all evoking though the 'two six months'' prolongation featured in the Constitution which impacts on their attitude».

The headlines in LE PHARE read: Pillage: Transition players in the accused box. The paper has some harsh words about the Transition's players, highlighting that «the DRC elections are uncertain» since the major protagonists have indulged in «embezzling the funds loaned to the Transition process as budgetary assistance»; the paper also reports some indiscreet remarks by chanceries denouncing «the mushrooming of bogus associations and the use of the said funds for private purposes and donations», not to mention the mushrooming of missions to the interior of the country as well as abroad, « for the sole purpose of drawing on the Public Fund». Funds embezzlement has increased alarmingly and has, as a result, embarrassed the International Community, the paper says.

LE PALMARES devotes its headlines to the dissensions within the presidential circle. Under the title: Joseph Kabila ' Jean-Pierre Bemba: serious trial of strength, the paper recalls the dismissal of the former minister of Foreign Affairs, Antoine Ghonda, drawn from MLC led by Vice-president Jean Pierre Bemba, whom President Kabila named his roving ambassador. It also recalls President Kabila's recent trip to Kisangani. The stops in Kindu, Bukavu and Goma were cancelled « due to security reasons». « With disconcerting promptness and opportunism, Jean-Pierre Bemba has jumped at the chance to demonstrate that he has succeeded where Joseph Kabila and his supporters were simply afraid», the paper says, alluding to Jean-Pierre Bemba's recent trip to Goma and Bukavu. It considers PPRD's (President Kabila's political party) Secretary-General, Vital Kamerhe to Mbandaka and Gemena as revenge and an attempt to «to beat MLC in Equateur, its stronghold ». LE PHARE refers to a Trial of Strength initiated by Vital Kamerhe in Gemena. FORUM DES AS titles: After Mbandaka, PPRD conquers Gemena. LE PALMARES, for its part, says that President Joseph Kabila's party has been «harvesting in the enemy's plantation» in Mbandaka and Gemena since last Sunday which it brought «under their heels ». The paper therefore wonders: «When did the electoral campaign start' », thereby interpellating the Independent Electoral Commission about « those who are rushing ahead of others to best position themselves».

L'OBSERVATEUR quotes Kamel Morjane, the first Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the DRC, as declaring from Tokyo, in the margin of the TICAD II conference that «DRC elections will be crucial for the whole Africa». «I remain optimistic about the outcome of the DRC Transition», he further said, applauding the Congolese people's commitment for a successful transition leading to free and transparent elections. Mr. Morjane commended MONUC for «sparing no means to ensure that the DRC Transition is smooth», the paper writes.

Referring to the Cote d'Ivoire crisis, L'AVENIR compares President Joseph Kabila and his Cote d'Ivoire counterpart, Laurent Gbagbo under the title: «Gbagboien anachronism». It says in its editorial that « the Cote d'Ivoire chaos brings out President Kabila's generosity of spirit and patriotism», alluding to the countless rebellions put down in Biafra, Sudan, Congo-Brazzaville, Somalia, Ethiopia... «To the best of our knowledge, there is not a single case where power was equally shared with rebels following negotiations with the legal government on equal footing». In this case, the rebel groups, which did not overthrow the Kinshasa regime, were given the privilege to sit at the same table with the government during the talks and got their share of the power, the paper says. « Whatever the difficulties, Kabila's regime has kept its promises regarding the peace process. Of course, we are not out of the wood yet, but President Kabila cannot use his troops to attack RCD's position even though it keeps impeding the reunification process», the paper writes, deploring the archaic methods used by Mr. Gbagbo to maintain himself in power he took «amidst violence». « Gbagbo's methods demonstrate how great Joseph Kabila who is implementing the Sun City Agreement» whilst the Cote d'Ivoire President « has failed to even implement half of the Marcoussis Agreement».

The paper further announces a protest march in Goma for the departure of General Obeid. During the yesterday's peace rally, Goma residents « protested against the spiralling of insecurity in the town as well as in the rest of the province» considering that the commander of the 8th military region « is practically doing nothing to improve the situation», L'AVENIR reports.

LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES says 4th brigade commandants (have been) imprisoned in Goma. 8th military region's officers blame them for refusing to comply with the order issued by General Obeid Rwibasira, and for taking three officers hostage.

L'OBSERVATEUR refers to the opening of the preliminary session yesterday in Kampala in preparation for the Great Lakes conference on peace, security and development due to take place in Dar-Es-Salaam; the International Community contributed one million dollars for the organisation of the conference due to take place between 19 and 20 November 2004 in the Tanzanian capital, the paper says. The 3rd preliminary meeting will focus on the draft Declaration of Dar Es-Salaam to be submitted to Heads of State, LE POTENTIEL adds.