Press Review

6 mar 2009

Press Review

Disagreement between Joseph Kabila and Azarias Ruberwa over the visit to Rwanda and Bukavu, the escape of FDLR militiamen and the reshuffle of the political opposition's component are the major headlines in today's local press.
Referring to a disagreement between Joseph Kabila and Ruberwa visit to Rwanda and, LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES writes: 'The President and Vice-Presidents do not speak the same language regarding the official mission to Cyangungu to visit Congolese refugees. Rwandan government was expecting the DRC delegation led by Mr. Ingele Ifoto, Minister of Social Affairs to stop over in Kigali before flying to Cyangungu with his Rwandan counterpart'. Vice-president Azarias Ruberwa agreed but President Kabila and his colleague Arthur Z'Ahidi were opposed; they ordered Minister Ingele to stop his mission and await further instructions, the paper says.

LA REFERENCE PLUS announces that Vice-president Azarias Ruberwa is due to arrive today in Bukavu. « The objective of the trip is to pacify the region and to restore normalcy. The vice president will interact with different sections of the population with a view to finding lasting solutions to the aftermaths of the war between the loyalist army and the dissident General Nkundabatware and colonel Mutebutsi's troops in the town of Bukavu, and in Kamanyola'. The paper further says that « Mr. Ruberwa should as well address the ongoing situation in Kalehe».

LE PALMARES says that General Mbudja Mabe is very upset about: 'his entourage due to the rumours according to which FARDC troops appointed to guard the 26 Hutu combatants reportedly facilitated their escape after being corrupted by Kigali which finds it against its interests to have those combatants in the hands of the Kinshasa authorities, so that they may find an alibi to enable them to perpetuate the presence of its troops in the DRC'. On the same subject, L'AVENIR writes: General Mbudja Mabe is betrayed, 'The commander of the 10th military region got seriously upset, and scolded some FARDC troops. We hope that disciplinary measures will be taken against them'. With regard to General Mbudja Mabe, L'OBSERVATEUR writes that Vice President Azarias Ruberwa and lieutenant general Kisempia have summoned the commander of the 8th military region to Kinshasa. 'During their last talks, both personalities discussed security situation throughout the country, more particularly the military situation in eastern DRC'.

Commenting on the situation prevailing within the political opposition, FORUM DES AS titles: Z'Ahidi's is under pressure to reshuffle the political opposition's representation within the government. In this regard, «Parliament Members wrote a memorandum demanding a reassignment of some of the ministers based on the corruption criteria. The MPs are insistent that the ministers who did not leave up to the moral code must be ousted.

LE PHARE analyses the debate on the amnesty bill; Late President Laurent Kabila's ghost is soaring over the Parliament, titles the paper. «Pressures have led the speaker of the National Assembly, Olivier Kamitatu, to seek advice from the Supreme Court about a point of law likely to block Parliament proceedings both in the Commission and the plenary sessions».

LE POTENTIEL titles, anything can happen during the next 10 months, alluding to the vote and promulgation of the laws on Nationality, Amnesty, Census, Election, and Army. « Any selective interpretation of the Article 196 of the Constitution risks affecting the ongoing process', concludes LE POTENTIEL.