MONUC welcomes condemnation of 29 militaries in "July 2005 mutiny"

3 Mar 2009

MONUC welcomes condemnation of 29 militaries in "July 2005 mutiny"

The Mbandaka Military Garrison Tribunal delivered its verdict in the case of the 3rd and 4th July 2005 mutiny: eight convicts received a life sentence, 20 others short-term sentences and the only female convict was sentenced to five years imprisonment. 16 convicts were acquitted.
The Congolese State was charged with civil liability and will have to pay 15,000 and 10,000 US Dollars to the family of the victims and to the victims of lootings, respectively.

The condemned were accused of crimes against humanity in application to article 7 of the Statute of Rome that established the International Criminal Court.

MONUC welcomes this decision which underlines the fight against impunity and the Congolese Government's "zero tolerance" response to human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo.