MONUC seriously concerned about the situation in two territories of Ituri

3 Mar 2009

MONUC seriously concerned about the situation in two territories of Ituri

'MONUC denounces a destabilisation attempt against Ituri by the troops of the « Union des patriotes congolais led by Thomas Lubanga » known as UPC-L and the « Front des Nationalistes Intégrationnistes FNI, (French acronym) in the territories of Djugu and Irumu', MONUC spokesman, Mamadou Bah said during a news conference on Wednesday.
He further said 'MONUC appeals to the leaders of the Ituri armed groups who are to be sworn in shortly as senior officers of the DR Congo army to take their responsibilities by issuing clear orders to their former militiamen to lay down weapons'.

MONUC spokesman indicated that the Disarmament and Community Reintegration Process (DRC) for the Ituri district started slowing its pace a few weeks ago 'due to persisting destabilisation and threats against the enrolling combatants'.

As of Monday 24 January, « 2,474 ex-combatants were disarmed and 14,499 weapons and ammunition altogether collected within the framework of the disarmament and reintegration program for Ituri», Mr. Mamadou Bah said.

The acting military spokesman, Lieutenant colonel Cheikh Gueye who is commander of MONUC operations, in turn, briefed on military situation in Ituri. He mentioned the 'drastic steps by MONUC on the ground to dismantle un-authorized militia camps'. During the Tuesday 25 January operation, peacekeepers dismantled four militia camps and shot dead a UPC officer, commander Alex wanted by Justice for crimes and serious violations of human rights, while returning fire.

Mr. Bah said MONUC was satisfied that 'the key transitional institutions have resumed their activities, expressing hope that by the weekend, the issues regarding the power sharing, notably in the security services and 'small territorial administration' would have been solved so that we would focus on the two major issues: the army integration and the organisation of elections''.

Referring to the political development, the spokesman conveyed MONUC views on the Parliament's project to organise a seminar on the electoral calendar as well as on the forthcoming meeting to be jointly held by MONUC, the International Community and the Transition's institutions.

Further referring to the seminar, MONUC spokesman said it would consist in a forum for discussions rather than 'negotiations' since MONUC and the International Community's role is to 'assist with technical, financial and logistic expertise' rather than interfere in the decision on the election's timing. He made it clear that it was up to the Congolese authorities to decide as a sovereign people on the election's timing, under the terms of the constitution. With respect to the Joint Commission's work on the basic laws, Mr. Bah said the role of the International community would consist in «encouraging the key transitional players to accelerate the drafting of the laws on the organisation of the elections'.

The spokesman told the news conference that the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for the DRC, William Swing, participated this Wednesday 26 January in the first meeting on security reform.