MONUC procees with the putting-in-place of the Kivu Brigades

3 Mar 2009

MONUC procees with the putting-in-place of the Kivu Brigades

« Over the past week, the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC) proceeded with the putting-in-place of the first battalions of Indian and Pakistani peacekeepers in the Kivus», Eliane Nabaa, the Deputy Head of Public Information Division and Spokeswoman a.i. of the UN Mission told the news conference.
« We have so far achieved 30 % of our deployment, with an Indian battalion already deployed to North Kivu, and a Pakistani battalion to South Kivu. « Two additional battalions for each of these two brigades are expected, in the course of January», she further said.

« In Kanyabayonga district, the situation remained calm throughout last week, which allowed for relief agencies to do their work and humanitarian operations to begin», Eliane Nabaa said. Though no fighting has been reported in the buffer zone since its establishment, the security situation there is not yet satisfactory to MONUC and relief organisations», she highlighted. «FARDC army headquarter in Beni does have any control over the deserters who continue spreading disorder, delaying the return of civilians to their districts; moreover, the ex-ANC component?s troops have not returned to their initial positions, which gives cause for concern». MONUC spokeswoman a.i. recalled, «MONUC has appealed to the belligerents to honor their commitments and to return to the positions they previously occupied prior to the outbreak of hostilities and continues exerting pressures to that end.

In this respect, MONUC recalls it is looking forward to the recommendations of the inter-institutions assessment mission to North Kivu, the Government body supposed to «come up with proposals for the long-term settlement of the crisis».

MONUC spokeswoman a.i. reported clashes pitting the FDLR against the FARDC in Walungu last week. « MONUC is most concerned by allegations of abuses by troops against civilians in the villages where fights took place. The mission insists on the international principles on protection of civilians in time of conflict» she said. «The sensitization phase of the voluntary return of Rwandan Hutu ex-combatants has apparently failed», MONUC spokeswoman a.i. noted.

With respect to the situation prevailing in the Minova district, MONUC indicated that it has been actively participating to discussions between the 8th and the 10th military regions aimed to stabilize the region in facilitating the return of the displaced people to Ngungu.