Tense situation in eastern DRC

3 Mar 2009

Tense situation in eastern DRC

The situation remains tense in eastern DRC, declared MONUC spokesman, Hamadoun Toure, during the Mission?s weekly conference on Wednesday. He reported skirmishes and troops movements in the region.
« The situation is not reassuring, which makes MONUC wonders. Transitional actors should as well wonder in order to avoid undermining the gains achieved during the last thirteen months of the transition», he highlighted.

The Spokesman also recalled that MONUC mandate has been extended to 1st October 2004 through the resolution 1555 adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 29 July 2004. «The intermediate period will be used to look into the new MONUC configuration with a view to providing more effective support to the transition and assist the Democratic Republic of Congo for the restoration of peace».

Asked about the activities of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the DRC, William Swing who is in the USA, Mr. Touré indicated that the Special Representative held consultations with the representatives of 15 member countries of the UN Security Council at the UN headquarters in New York as well as with troop-contributing countries.

Commandant Tajudeen Bakre of the MONUC Civilian Police, in turn, announced the holding of a seminar in Kinshasa, intended for the Congolese police from 9 to 13 August 2004. Approximately a hundred national and international members will participate in the seminar. They will review the Congolese police force and explore the ways and means to revive this structure. The seminar will also prepare some guidelines documents.

Hamadoun Touré, who is at the end of his mission in the DRC, seized the opportunity to bid farewell to the Congolese press which he commended for its punctuality, loyalty and professionalism.