Jean-Marie Guéhenno's visit to four Great Lakes countries

3 Mar 2009

Jean-Marie Guéhenno's visit to four Great Lakes countries

The UN Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping operations, Jean-Marie Guéhenno is due to pay a weeklong visit to four Great Lakes countries as of Thursday 20 May 2004, MONUC Spokesman, Hamadoun Touré announced on Tuesday. Besides the DRC, Mr. Guéhenno is to visit Uganda, Rwanda and South Africa, he further said.
While in Kinshasa, the chief of the Peacekeeping operations is to hold talks with Congolese authorities and members of the International Community to Support the Transition (CIAT), the spokesman said adding that Mr. Guéhenno will afterwards travel to Kampala and Kigali before closing his regional tour with South Africa

He will be preceded by military and police advisors from the UN headquarters whose purpose is to examine the conditions for deployments of troops and Civilian Police elements to the DRC.

''The visits of the UN peacekeeping operations' chief and of the military advisors from troop-contributing countries are indicative of the increasing and permanent interests of the International Community for the DRC'', Mr. Touré indicated.

With regard to the activities of the UN Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the DRC, William Lacy Swing, MONUC spokesman told the press that the latter would travel to Kigali, Rwanda, within the framework of his regular contacts with the regional leaders who plays a role in the DRC peace process.

It is amidst this context that a meeting between the DRC and Uganda Intelligence officers is scheduled from today in Beni, North Eastern DRC. The meeting to be held with MONUC collaboration is aimed to put in place a joint verification commission tasked to set security mechanisms along their common borders.