Press Review of 14 November 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 14 November 2006

Most of the local papers comment on Catholic Archbishop's reaction to the partial results published thus far by the Independent Electoral Commission known as CEI.
From Paris where, "he is undergoing medical care," the catholic Archbishop, Cardinal Etsou "did not beat about the bush" in declaring, "the partial results thus far published by the Independent Electoral Commission do not reflect the reality, especially in respect of the remote areas," says Le Phare. For Le Palmarès, "Cardinal Etsou has added fuel to the flame."

Doubtless and estimates for its part Le Phare, "Cardinal Etsou's statement can be construed as setting the cat among the pigeons."

"Cardinal Etsou's declaration is unfounded...and do not reflect the reality," highlights Le Palmarès, echoing the Head of the CEI. [Cardinal Etsou] "did not participate in the elections being abroad for medical care;" how could he make such declarations," quoting Reverend Malu Malu.

However, "Cardinal Etsou's statement is dangerous," says Le Palmarès, echoing other statements made by the Head of the CEI.

Through his declaration, the Archbishop has "sided with the warmonger scheme of the Union pour la Nation and is paving the road for contestations of the results," believes the paper, declaring, "The Court must invite Etsou to produce the results at his disposal and to demonstrate their trustworthiness." says L'Avenir.

By then and for the time being, it is Jean-Pierre Bemba who wishes to see the "truth of the polls out... while reiterating his determination to defend his interests for a happy outcome of the transition... " highlights Le Potentiel. In clear terms, "Jean-Pierre Bemba promises not to let himself fooled on behalf of the people who voted for him," warns L'Avenir.