Press Review of 13 November 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 13 November 2006

Today's local press mainly focuses on last Saturday violence in Gombé district.
Saturday 11 November, "Gombe was the scene of small arms and heavy weapon gun firing," reports Le Potentiel.

It was triggered by the "young delinquents called shegués after laying roadblocks on the Boulevard du 30 juin," says L'Observateur, indicating, "Police elements came under attack by gunmen at Gombe cemetery when attempting to restore order; the shooting incident that followed left three civilians and one military member dead," reports La Référence Plus.

Le Potentiel recalls another psychosis "last August," highlighting, "Yet Kabila's and Bemba's camps both signed a number of agreements; Necessary precautions must be taken by MONUC and EUFOR to avert further incidents."

Last Saturday incidents "came in four days after last Saturday meeting between President Kabila and Vice-President Bemba at Palais de la Nation; Both candidates then called on their supporters to remain calm..."

"... The agreements were obviously violated," says Le Potentiel, calling the operation Kinshasa weapon-free "a vain slogan." "No EUFOR or MONUC troops were seen in the battle area for the two hour-gun firing." The paper further says, "The deployment of Jean-Pierre Bemba's guards in the town centre is an indication that the order for troop cantonment has not been heeded," notes Le Potentiel.

"Both Kabila's and Bemba's camps did violate their own agreements; there is a risk that they smash into pieces if one of the candidates rejects the outcome of the polls," says La Référence Plus, indicating, "the worst is yet to come."

Jean-Pierre Bemba, leader of the Union pour la Nation, UN is "divided between the hawks and the doves," believes Forum des As. "The doves are the one negotiating with the Alliance pour la Majorité présidentielle, AMP... while the hawks are not apparently prepared to comply with any of the agreements signed on behalf of Vice-President Bemba."

"Political scene can really change with MLC exceptional leadership," says Forum des As, arguing, "MLC has lot of resources in terms of individuals."