MONUC Press Review - 7 November 2006

10 Mar 2009

MONUC Press Review - 7 November 2006

*Original: French

Most of Tuesday's Kinshasa press is related to the DR Congo Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)'s ongoing process of releasing results from last week's runoff presidential election between incumbent President Joseph Kabila and Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba.

Just four days after the compilation of results began, "71 percent of partial provisional returns are known," L'Observateur reports. As of 5 November, "out of the country's 50,045 polling and counting offices, 35,542 of them have already compiled their results," according to the paper. .

To which Le Potentiel adds: "the IEC on Monday, 6 November authorised 32 regional compilation centres to post their results". And from these results, according to the paper, one gets a sense of how some big towns voted. Looking at Mahagi (east), for example, Le Potentiel notes: President "Joseph Kabila [won] 260,605 votes, compared to Jean-Pierre Bemba's 15,556 votes". In Kiwit (west), Bemba picked up "48,356 votes against 29,020 for Kabila". But "nothing is decided as yet", cautions the paper, calling on the "Congolese people to continue to demonstrate patience, dignity and responsibility while waiting to know who their elected leader will be..."

Meanwhile, the Independent Electoral Commission, has decided that delegates of the two presidential candidates should be involved "in the verification of the results", according to La Tempête des Tropiques.

This verification, Le Phare explains, is to be performed "inside a joint commission comprising the Union pour la Nation [UN, Bemba camp], the Alliance pour la majorité présidentielle [AMP, Kabila camp] and MONUC [UN Mission]". According to Le Phare, the aim of the "verification is to reduce as much as possible the chances of the results being contested". The point is to "render superfluous the filing of any complaint with the Supreme Court," adds the paper, citing François Mwamba, who is secretary-general of Bemba's MLC party.

François Mwamba, who is also coordinator of Bemba's Union for the Nation coalition of political parties, is quoted in Le Potentiel saying: "The publication of the results should be a moment of joy, not of confrontation." He said those words in "a message advocating the triumph of democracy in the DRC". "For Bemba and his MLC party, the adventure that is called war is already history," François Mwamba is quoted as saying in that message.

However, citing information from the governor of Kinshasa, La Référence Plus reports "a certain political leader on Monday, 6 November incited his party members to create public disorder in the wake of the announcement of partial results from the 12 regional compilation centres cited."