Press Review of 15 June 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 15 June 2006

Most of the local papers published on Thursday 15 June focus on MONUC weekly press briefing of 14 June.
Echoing MONUC weekly press briefing, Le Potentiel says "MONUC condemned Police brutal treatment against UDPS demonstrators." The paper quotes Fernando Castanon, Director of MONUC Human Rights Division as declaring "a police vehicle drove straight into the crowd and threw the demonstrators into panic after firing into the air."

In Mbuji-Mayi, another march was organised by UDPS members. "Some of the members were arrested and beaten with butts of rifles and police boots near MONUC Headquarters. About a dozen people were injured," reports Le Phare, echoing Fernando Castanon.

The head of MONUC Human Rights division also deplored the fact that "protesters threw stones at MONUC vehicle and the riot police," says Le Potentiel.

With respect to the freedom of the press, MONUC Human Rights division said it is greatly concerned about "DRC Government's refusal to grant accreditation to Ghislaine Dupont (journalist working for RFI), says La Référence Plus.

"We are greatly surprised by MONUC Human Rights Division's insistence that the Congolese Government should give accreditation to Ghislaine Dupont," writes L'Avenir, wondering, "Is there a single country in the world where journalists should absolutely be entitled to accreditation...aren't they attempting to deny the Congolese Government its right to exercise sovereignty,?" wonders the paper, further arguing, "Is the DRC under UN administration? Then instead of wasting time, they could have MONUC decide on the accreditation issue."

In other news, Le Palmarès reports, "Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa has reservations that the elections will be held on 30 July 2006... and all the ballot papers will reach their destinations within the time limit."