Press Review of 14 June 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 14 June 2006

Today's local press deals with various issues.

Referring to the electoral process, L'Observateur quotes Aldo Ajello, the Special Envoy of the European Union for the Great Lakes region as declaring, "The second round of the presidential elections will take place on 15 October 2006, and the provisional results will be published on 19 November 2006." Altogether, "11 polls are provided for," recalls the paper.
In the same vein, Le Palmarès recalls, "the electoral campaign is due to start on 29 June 2006." The paper echoes Karel De Gucht, Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs' statement that "rhetoric inciting hatred will not be tolerated and debates shall be focused on candidates' political programs for such is the genuine stake that will decide DRC's future."

Reflecting on the UN Security Council's visit to DRC, Le Potentiel says the electoral calendar shall not be "modified; they are not opposed to political consultations is such is the will of the Congolese people."

"Did the Congolese Government and the UN team understand each other; Did the Congolese people understand the core of the highly diplomatic message conveyed by the UN Security Council's delegation," wonders Le Potentiel, arguing, "The UN Security Council's delegation did not come to the DRC just to heed the Congolese people's moaning. The paper further says, "The UN Security Council was not playing any game when highlighting that lots of funds were contributed by foreign partners...." Therefore, any person attempting "to delay or disrupt the transition will be held responsible for their acts," reports Le Potentiel.