Press Review of 7 June 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 7 June 2006

At the approach of 30 July 2006, date for the holding of the presidential and legislative elections, the electoral process continues to be the main topic in the local press.
L'Observateur quotes President Joseph Kabila as declaring from North Katanga yesterday, "Elections must be held on 30 July 2006 to enable the Congolese people to choose their leaders democratically."

Also referring to the President's visit to North Kivu, L'Avenir says, "The President reiterated his determination to lead the Congolese people to the elections, pursuant to the calendar set by the Independent Electoral Commission."

"Hastily organised elections excluding some candidates will not lead to the stability expected by all the Congolese people," warns Le Phare, further advising, "we must stand up against any attempt for unilateral talks for the dialogue called for by the Congolese people is the one that must bring mutual understanding, reconciliation, appeasement and will as well bring the Congolese people closer to each other," says Le Phare.

PPRD (President Kabila's party) recalls, "the best forum for talks remains the transitional institutions generated by the Sun City agreement," says Le Palmarès, echoing an interview by PPRD Secretary General to the Voice of America.

"An alliance for presidential majority has been created," reports Le Potentiel. The platform has been joined by major stakeholders such as "Olivier Kamitatu, Kisimba Ngoy, Marco Banguli, Philippe Futa...). The objective of the platform is "to secure Joseph Kabila's election from the first round," says the paper.

With a view to securitising the elections, "the African Union envisages deploying military troops in the DRC," writes Le Potentiel. The deployment depends on "the possible consultations with the Congolese Government," further says the paper.

In other news, "DRC Government divided;" reports La Tempête des Tropiques. "Five ministers said they would boycott meetings held by Mr. Abdoulaye Yerodia, Vice-President for Reconstruction and Development," reports the paper, further explaining, "The ministers are opposed to the suspension of the board of administration of ONATRA (National Office for Transport) by the Minister of Transports upon Vice-President Yerodia Abdoulaye's order."

With such developments, there is "every reason to fear the worst and to see the Cabinet members further divided during such a critical period in the DRC's history," says La Référence Plus.