Press Review of 6 June 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 6 June 2006

Will there be any political talks by 30 June 2006? - The question is commented on by today's local press.
In this respect, Le Phare reports, "the International Community has opted for the holding of political talks by all DRC major stakeholders." The paper therefore infers, "Political talks are now a must," and expresses hope that during its upcoming visit to DRC, the UN Security Council will issue "a message to appease DRC political atmosphere."

"The situation is explosive and can explode any time should political talks be ruled out," warns La Référence Plus, echoing Remy Massamba, UDPS Secretary-General's address to a press conference held in Brussels last Saturday.

Belgium says, "political talks will be held after the elections," highlights the paper, echoing another press conference held by the Belgian Minister of Finances when completing his visit to the DRC. La Référence Plus quotes the Minister as declaring, "the majority party in the parliament will be identified after the general elections;" the Minister also said, "the current tensions in DRC can happen to any other country, even European's during elections."

In other news, Le Potentiel, for its part, complains that "there will be too many troops in DRC just to securitize the country and the elections." "The presence of too many troops will not make the situation any better since they will overlap with the FARDC and MONUC roles, that is to securitize the elections," worries the paper, further indicating, "European Union troop's unclear mandate does not reassure the population."