Press Review of 2 June 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 2 June 2006

Today's local papers review the political and security situations in the country.
Le Potentiel focuses on Government's activities as the elections are drawing nearer. The paper sees "the need for the designation of a neutral Prime Minister in view of the persistent inter-institutional crisis." The paper also notes that "Cabinet meetings are getting seldom while the members of the presidential circle are busy campaigning. For fear of the uncertainty, Ministers are no longer dealing with Government's business," says Le Potentiel. A Technocrats' Government" would appease tensions."

The chairwoman of the political party known as UPR, former member of PPRD (president Kabila's party) "Odette Babandoa is the one who has proposed the scheme as a way out of the crisis," writes Le Phare. "The solution fits for the exceptional period running up to 30 June 2006," says the paper.

La Tempête des Tropiques writes on its front page, "Swing in Trouble," referring to the security conditions on the eve of the elections. The paper argues, "The hostage-taking of the 7 UN peacekeepers in Ituri is an indication of the lack of security in DRC in spite of the usual optimism shown in the reports addressed to the UN Security Council." "The UN Security Council's delegation due to visit Kinshasa shortly will find out for themselves that the reports sent to New York by MONUC chief do not reflect the actual situation on the ground."

Referring to the security situation, Le Potentiel echoes a call from Dr Pierre Anatole Matusila, Chairman of the Conseil de l'Apostolat des Laïcs Catholiques du Congo, an independent presidential candidate for "the securitisation of the presidential candidates." Dr Matusila is one of the presidential candidates who saw their residences encircled last time, says La Référence Plus, noting that the Government "has removed the police officers assigned for his security while other candidates retained theirs." Le Phare says Dr. Matusila is also the one who denounced the forces opposed to the army integration process, notably the forces loyal to Laurent Nkundabatware which, according to him, represent a "real danger to the holding of the elections.

Whatever the conditions, "the electoral process has reached a point of no return," writes Le Potentiel, echoing the Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission CEI in a press conference on Thursday 1st June.

L'Observateur, for its part, announces that President Joseph Kabila's wedding will be jointly celebrated by Cardinal Frédéric Etsou of the Catholic Church and Bishop Pierre Marini, head of all the Protestant communities in the DRC.