Press Review of 18 May 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 18 May 2006

The commemoration of Laurent Désiré Kabila's accession to power on 17 May 1997 and Pasteur Kuthino's arrest are the major issues commented by today's local papers.
The headlines in L'Observateur read: "17 May: Vital Kamerhe discloses President Joseph Kabila's vision for the DRC." The Secretary-General of President Kabila's political party announced the publication of "a republican pact" next week, to be used for the President's campaign. La Référence Plus says, "Joseph Kabila has called upon the Congolese people to sign a republican pact for the reconstruction of the country."

"People stayed away from AFDL commemoration," writes La Tempête des Tropiques. "Vice President Yerodia alone celebrated the event with champagne whilst the abandoned "kadogo/child soldiers continue bearing in silence and indifference the unhealed scars of the war of liberation."

Le Phare devotes its headline to Pasteur Kuthino's arrest and reports: "Kuthino still in jail." The paper refers to "rumor about his release by Vice-President Jean Pierre Bemba" who visited the pastor on Tuesday which earned him lots of admiration from huge crowds.

L'Avenir says, "Kuthino's dossier is wrong alibi for Jean Pierre Bemba, who is likely to fail in the elections and to be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court." Pastor Kuthino reportedly acted in connivance with Jean Pierre Bemba and Honoré Ngbanda to "undermine the electoral process." "Jean-Pierre Bemba angered by the Pastor's," writes L'Avenir.

HAM, the High Media Authority accuses the presidential circle of using harsh rhetoric against each other," says Le Potentiel on its front page. The HAM is worried about "the unhealthy political climate created in Kinshasa by the major political stakeholders, candidates for the presidential elections who have been hurling insults and demonizing each other without restraint or any sense of ethics." The HAM "calls for urgent talks within the presidential circle," writes Le Potentiel.