Press Review of 6 February 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 6 February 2006

Today's local papers comment on the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs' visit to the DRC, the PPRD (President Kabila's Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et le Développement)'s congress.
From 1st through 6 February 2006, Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karel De Gucht led a 70 people strong delegation to DRC including Belgian politicians and businessmen, reports LE POTENTIEL. The delegation traveled to Katanga, Bandundu and Bas-Congo provinces "to assess investment possibilities in those provinces for a possible contribution to DRC's reconstruction," says the paper, echoing the Belgian Minister: Karel De Gucht urges "respect for the electoral calendar."

Mr. De Gucht met with DRC President Joseph Kabila and several Government officials, including the Head of the Independent Electoral Commission. With the Congolese President, he reviewed "the security situation in Eastern DRC and the formation of the national army." The Belgian Minister declared, "When the national army is formed, predators such as Nkunda will no longer disrupt the process," writes LE POTENTIEL.

Referring to UDPS leader, Etienne Tshisekedi's requirement to have registration offices reopened, Karel De Gucht recalled the Transition is due to end on 30 June 2006. "It would be impossible to reopen registration offices if we have to abide by the electoral calendar. (...) However, it is the Electoral Commission's responsibility to decide; Registration operations were open to everybody at the beginning. (...) ." Karel De Gucht further stated: "Time is running out" echoes LA REFERENCE PLUS. The paper also quotes Mr. De Gucht statement in yesterday's conference that "The process was irreversible and a risk of power vacuum, beyond 30 June 2006, must be avoided." L'AVENIR, for its part, writes: "For Karel De Gucht DRC process is in its final stage."

Karel De Gucht attended a conference on the Mining Activities in DRC" while in Lubumbashi; he then visited Kikwit to see for himself the "appalling conditions in which the benchmark prison and hospital were," writes LE PALMARES." Today, Monday 6 February, Karel De Gucht travelled to Brazzaville for talks with President, Denis Sassou Nguesso.

President Sassou Ngouesso, who is currently leading the African Union received Friday the Special Representative of the United Nations for DRC, William Lacy Swing. In this respect, L'AVENIR headlines: Swing reviews DRC elections with President Sassou. MONUC Chief assured his interlocutor that "the electoral calendar would be respected." Nothing will, not even insurrections in Eastern DRC, disrupt the upcoming polls. Mr. Swing also stated the candidates will go through "contradictory debate." The decision was made by the Congolese MPs currently reviewing the electoral law, highlights LE PALMARES. The High Media Authority has been tasked with organising the electoral contests, further says the paper.

Run-up to the Presidential Elections: PPRD (Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et la Démocratie) opens a congress to elect its candidate for the presidential elections, announces FORUM DES AS, indicating, PPRD congress is attended by a dozen parties from different countries: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, Angola, Central African Republic.