Press Review of 30 January 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 30 January 2006

Proceedings around "closed, parity-based and opened lists, the military situation in North Kivu and Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba's candidacy make the headlines of today's local press.
"Western countries are pressuring the National Assembly to adopt the polling mode," writes LA TEMPÊTE DES TROPIQUES. Echoing a statement by a Human Rights NGO known as Les Toges Noirs, the paper reports, "Closed and parity-based lists contain germs of conflicts and contests that may erupt immediately after the polls' results are published."
Under the headlines: "After the Parliament, IEC (Independent Electoral Commission) now under pressure," LE POTENTIEL says, "Supporters of the closed and parity-based lists are looking to control the IEC operations in order to control the electoral process, starting from the registration operations to the publication of the results."

L'AVENIR sees "Mr. Kagame's hand seeking to impose the closed lists," alluding to his interview to the Belgian paper Le Soir. The paper further refers to "the current military unrest in North Kivu as another wave of pressures." With respect to the "military unrest," LA TEMPÊTE DES TROPIQUES mentions the "Sunday 29 January attack on the army headquarters of the 5th integrated brigade by insurgents, notably the Kinyarwanda-speaking troops under Laurent Nkunda Batware, a former member of the Rwandan patriotic army..."

L'OBSERVATEUR, for its part, focuses on the UN Security Council's meeting that issued "a resolution against the militiamen." In the territory of Rutshuru, "district chiefs have rallied to combat Nkundabatware," writes L'OBSERVATEUR.

LE PHARE comments on Guatemalan Government's reaction to the assassination of its peacekeepers in the Garamba Park. Through its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Guatemala has "called into question the UN report about the murder of its Peacekeepers," writes LE PHARE which concludes: "Mr. William Swing is in trouble."

FORUM DES AS and LA RÉFÉRENCE PLUS devote their headlines to the announcement by Jean-Pierre Bemba of his candidacy for the upcoming Presidential elections.