Press Review of 13 January 2006

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 13 January 2006

Will UDPS reintegrate the electoral process! This is the dominant issue in most of today's local press. The press also comment on PPRD (President Kabila's party)'s upcoming congress.
DRC politicians pursue discussions on whether UDPS will participate in the electoral process or not. Following the 18-19 December 2005 constitutional referendum, the "Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et le Développement (PPRD) and the Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD) are divided over the issue on the late registration of UDPS members," notes Le Potentiel. PPRD maintains, "UDPS is a political party like any other and is therefore not indispensable [said Vital Kamerhe, the PPRD Secretary General;" RCD, for its part, argues, "IEC, the Independent Electoral Commission must urgently address the UDPS registration issue to enable it to participate in the elections...This would spare the process contests during the upcoming elections [declared Azarias Ruberwa, RCD leader]," echoes Le Potentiel, pro-opposition paper.

"The Presidential circle discussed UDPS late registration on Tuesday...The issue divided the presidential circle into two sides: 1. the Camp de la patrie and 2. The Alliance pour la Sauvegarde du Dialogue Inter Congolais," writes Le Phare. The first says, "It is out of the question to reopen registration offices," while the second argues, "A statesman must be able to transcend his feelings in the nation's interest," says Le Phare. As a result of the disagreement, "eyes are turned once again, as usual to New York," points out Le Phare. "People wonder whether the UN Secretary General and the Security Council who called for an all-inclusive process will now retract or they will confirm their option with a more concrete commitment," explains Le Phare, pro-opposition paper.

"Those who are engaged in the current electoral process should not move backward just because they have to please one man, Tshisekedi," says L'Avenir. On the contrary, "Tshisekedi is the one who should join the process where it is for no one pushed him to his hard-line positions before deciding to reintegrate the process," says L'Avenir, pro-PPRD paper. Moreover, the paper wonders, "how can they start again a process just because of one political party which denounced its exorbitant cost without even suggesting a way-out," wonders L'Observateur, [pro-PPRD], under the headline, "A Real Turnaround."

In other news, in the perspective of the upcoming electoral process, PPRD, President Kabila's political party is to shortly hold its first congress. "The congress is scheduled for 06 February 2006 in Kinshasa," reports L'Observateur. During the congress, PPRD will "officially announce President Joseph Kabila's candidacy," says La Référence Plus.