Press Review of 29th August 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review of 29th August 2005

The visit by the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs; Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa in Uvira are the major issues in today's local press. The press also brings up the ongoing electoral process.
'Louis Michel, the European Union's Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs, is due to meet with the Congolese political stakeholders,' says a pro-opposition paper, Le Potentiel, further indicating, 'Etienne Tshisekedi whose members were opposed to Louis Michel's visit to Kananga, Kasai Oriental province will as well be received.' Another pro-opposition paper, Le Palmarès, reports 'other demonstrations by UDPS members in Lubumbashi.' La Tempête des Tropiques, for its part, says, 'Both demonstrations will give Louis Michel an insight into the Congolese people's deepest aspirations for change.' The headlines in Le Phare read: 'Tshisekedi To Receive Louis Michel in His Private Residence of Limete for a Meeting of the Truth.' The paper says, 'Louis Michel (is) visibly embarrassed by UDPS bitter criticisms,' and adds, 'although, he is determined to listen to Etienne Tshisekedi's intentions and views about the ongoing voter identification and registration operations.'

In the meantime, '50 million more dollars have been earmarked for the Independent Electoral Commission,' points out Le Potentiel, quoting the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for the DRC, Mr. William Swing as declaring, '60 million euros have been disbursed by the European Union for the CEI,' which the paper refers to as 'a substantial lifesaver that will give the CEI a much needed shot in the arm.' The paper wonders about 'the actual situation regarding the Congolese [political] dialogue.'

Meanwhile, 'Azarias Ruberwa (is) not welcomed in Uvira,' reports L'Avenir (pro PPRD paper), adding, 'the local population strongly voiced its opposition to see the Vice-President warmly received by the troops; they chanted hostile slogans against RCD and praised PPRD (President Joseph Kabila's party).' La Référence Plus, an independent paper reports, 'Azarias Ruberwa (was) coldly received in Uvira.' Why was he given a cold reception' L'Avenir explains, 'it is partially due to the accusations that the troops of the former RCD rebel movement are spreading insecurity in Eastern DRC and endeavouring to derail the ongoing transition process.' Still referring to Eastern DRC, L'Avenir reveals, '3,000 bags of poisoned beans stocked in Gisenyi and Ruhengeri have caused the cholera disease which is claiming the lives of the troops in Eastern DRC.' It was calculated 'to undermine the army's integration process and accordingly the very transitional process that largely depends on the troops' merging,' says L'Avenir. Le Palmarès, for its part, alerts, '8th military region's troops stage rebellion in Goma and Uvira,' and reports troops' desertion, '100 troops deserted the army on the night of Friday to Saturday,' including, 'troops of the 53rd battalion of the former RCD rebel movement based in Mweso.' Le Palmarès concludes, 'all these cases of desertion could be part of an underhand trick.'