Press Review - 18 July 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review - 18 July 2005

Today's local papers mainly comment on Presidents Omar Bongo, Sassou N'Guesso and Eduardo Dos Santos' visits to Kinshasa last Saturday.
'Angola and Gabon's fully support the transitional process,' headlines L'Observateur, further indicating, 'The three presidents agreed to do everything in their power to keep the DRC democratic process running peacefully and smoothly.' L'Observateur further quotes President Omar Bongo as stating, 'One must not do opposition for the sake of opposition. They should know why they are doing it.'

Le Potentiel calls the statement 'a blunder,' and notes, 'Presidents Sassou, Dos Santos and Bongo superbly ignored the Congolese opposition and indirectly, the silent mass's claims.' The paper reports, 'Some Congolese were disappointed by CEEAC's declaration that the electoral process shall proceed through, thereby sidelining the other political and social groups.' It further reports, 'the elections are not an end per se, but rather a step towards the reconstruction of a country wrecked by over 40 years of dictatorship.'

Under the headline, 'a closed-door meeting so full of mysteries,' Le Phare says, 'the DRC's distinguished hosts voiced their disappointment that UDPS that is a standard-bearer of the DRC historical opposition is unable to lay down a clear doctrine with regard to the electoral process.'

Le Palmarès, in turn, declares being aware of 'the issues discussed by Dos Santos, Bongo and Sassou,' and reports, 'the head of CEI updated on the pre-electoral operations.'

In respect of the electoral process, Le Palmarès refers to 'UDPS pre-conditions that the latter is willing to participate in the forthcoming elections provided they are credible ones.'

Le Potentiel, for its part, explains, 'UDPS has excluded itself from the registration operations citing irregularities noted in the various registration centres,' echoing Etienne Tshisekedi's Aid.

In another development, Le Palmarès reports 'Tensions at Kisangani University,' that left 'one student killed.' The paper further explains, 'All started with the killing of a student in unclear circumstances... as a result, students took to the streets and burnt a motorbikes and three vehicles.'