Press Review 28 June 2005

10 Mar 2009

Press Review 28 June 2005

The chairman of the European Commission's declaration to the two DRC Houses of Parliament tops the headlines of today's local press.
The headlines in La Référence Plus read: 'Barroso reiterates European Union's support to the DRC transition.' Commenting on the few-hour visit by the chairman of the European Commission, the neutral paper says, José Manuel Barroso urged the Congolese people 'to take an active part in the transition up to the elections,' and 'to take advantage of this opportunity offered them to avoid experiencing the sad fate suffered by Somalia.'

'Transition is a unique opportunity that is actually doomed to succeed,' L'Observateur, a pro-PPRD paper headlines, quoting the chairman of the European Commission. The paper highlights that 'his message was clear,' alluding to the different declarations made by José Manuel Barroso that: 'the Congolese political stakeholders must comply with the established calendar and know that the renewed period following extension must lead to the holding of free and transparent elections.' L'Observateur however points out that the chairman of the European Union was insistent that 'a new extension besides the one spelled out in the Transition's constitution will be out of the question.'

He also declared, 'Transition will in no case go beyond 30 June 2006; if it does, all the Transition institutions including the stakeholders will lose their legitimacy deriving from the mandate confided them.' Based on 'analysts' views,' Le Potentiel, a pro-UDPS paper, explains, 'due to exclusion of some prominent political figures of the Congolese political scene when Transition's players were designated'the transition's leadership is today contested, just because it got started off on a wrong foot.'

Under the headline, 'Nothing shall be altered in the DRC's institutions,' L'Avenir warns, 'The International Community will turn its back on those who are opposed to the holding of the elections,' dixit José Manuel Barroso. The pro-PPRD paper, notes that according to the chairman of the European Commission, 30 June 2005 is 'a date for the commemoration of the 45th anniversary of DRC's Independence,' and concludes, 'Mr. Barroso is persuaded that his message is fully understood by everybody and will be complied with.'

In the same development, Le Forum des As assures, 'Barroso promised sanctions against those preparing to spread chaos.' Echoing the different talks held by the chairman of the European Commission and the four Vice-Presidents, the paper says, 'Congolese population will be secured' on 30 June 2005, Jean Pierre Bemba is quoted as saying.

On the same subject, Le Phare reports, 'European Union backs Transition's extension,' pointing out, 'For Manuel Barroso, No bright Future can be envisaged without a good leadership.' The pro-UDPS paper further says, 'the European Union remains vigilant with respect to the respect of human rights, more particularly relations between the police force and the population.'

La Tempête des Tropiques, a pro-UDPS paper considers that 'Barroso has laid down the law,' indicating, 'the Congolese people have no order to receive from whomever.' The paper further says, 'The European Commission has threatened whoever attempts to march on 30 June 2005.' On the other hand, the paper highlights, 'Congolese people decided to put an end to their miserable conditions', quoting Mr. Barroso. La Tempête des Tropiques therefore concludes, 'Mr. Barroso would rather tell Government members, MPs and the civil society to work for the Nation's interest instead of their own.'

In another development, La Tempête des Tropiques points out, 'MONUC fighting militiamen' in Ituri. The paper reports, 'Around 200 peacekeepers backed by combat helicopters engaged a military operation against militiamen.' The paper further reports, 'UN Peacekeepers are about conducting cordon and search operations,' echoing the statements made by MONUC military spokesman, Thierry Provendier.