Press Review 24 June 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 24 June 2005

Today's local papers comment on several subjects.

The headlines in L'Avenir, a pro-PPRD paper read: '38,225 people have already been registered in Kinshasa.' 'The figures are apparently insignificant compared to the total number of DRC population,' but 'the operation was conducted in a few districts of Kinshasa,' L'Avenir says, indicating, 'the number will increase (') when the population of five additional districts will be registered.' The number of voters registered is a sign that 'Congolese people believe (') in imminent elections.
'The European Union also supports the DRC electoral process', says L'Observateur, a pro-PPRD paper under the headlines, 'José Manuel Barroso expected in Kinshasa this Monday.' Le Phare, a pro-UDPS paper, wonders, 'What kind of message [Mr. Baroso] will deliver to transition's stakeholders three days before the end of the transition.' Referring to the opposition, L'Avenir believes, with the transition's extension, the international community's encouragement and CIAT's intervention, 'Political opposition is in trouble.' L'Avenir however notes that PALU, an opposition party, 'authorized its members to register.' 'One may have some claims to make, (') yet continue to discuss while registering, for the census bandwagon will not go back just because one or two political parties have refused to register,' L'Avenir reports.

Coming back on the catholic bishops' message 'Don't be afraid', Le Phare says, it has created a ' malaise within Ciat.' The paper analyses, 'by calling for a serious assessment and end of impunity enjoyed by the transition's players, the bishops have cornered the International Committee to Support the Transition.' In its editorial, L'Avenir responds to the bishops' declaration, by saying the catholic bishops have sacrificed 'the essential (') to please [the crowds]'' 'If the 1+4 is a bad system, what is then the point in demanding a serious assessment of it'' the paper wonders.

With respect to government's seminar, a pro-UDPS paper, Le Potentiel headlines, 'self-assessment: everybody is clean,' noting that the assessment's results ' have still not been published several days after the cogitation.' The paper questions, 'The validity of the self-assessment,' and reports, 'Analysts think the weakness of the Government is to be blamed on more than one senior member of the presidential circle.' Le Potentiel argues, 'were Government members seriously assessed in all transparency, lots of them would be removed.'

In another development, La Référence Plus reports 'a new rebellion,' indicating, 'the new rebellion is a vast coalition of militias and armed groups in Ituri, Beni and the Kivu regions; a meeting took place in Kampala on 10 May 2005 with General Nkunda, Colonel Kakolele and Commandant Ngudjolo who are masterminding the rebellion in gestation.' Referring to the unified command of the new movement, the paper estimates that 'the psychosis of the new military crisis threatening Ituri has been underscored in resolutions adopted by (') traditional leaders' in a meeting with MONUC office in Ituri.