Press Review 23 June 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 23 June 2005

Today's local press devotes their headlines to the DRC bishops' declaration over the ongoing political transition and MONUC's press briefing.
The headlines in La Référence Plus read: 'Bishops call for talks.' The paper quotes the bishops as declaring, 'All major social and political forces must meet to define the terms of reference for the extension of the transition,' and demanding, 'a serious assessment of the transition's stakeholders with sanctions against those who have been hindering the process.' La Référence Plus further reports, 'The DRC Bishops' Conference further condemns any attempt to halt the transition's process for it would hold up all hope for holding free, fair and reliable elections within the time limit prescribed in the constitution.'

Le Potentiel, for its part, reports, 'The bishops call for positive talks,' and expressed hope that 'a multisectorial national committee would be put in place to monitor the electoral process and serve as a mediator for the different institutions charged with the electoral issue.'

Referring to the 'committee in charge of monitoring the electoral process,' L'Avenir notes that the bishops Okayed 'the intensification of the civics and electoral education' and denied 'any amalgam between the catholic church and CEI's activities.'

Under the headline, 'Bishops have denounced,' L'Observateur reports, 'Bishops deplored the political stakeholders' positions and the psychosis nurtured around 30 June.' It further says, the archbishops, bishops and heads of parish held an extraordinary plenary which declared, 'it would be abnormal that the situations deplored before 30 June 2005 continue after 30 June 2005.' L'Observateur further reports, 'Since DRC gained independence in 1960, the bishops' positions have always been courageous and responsible,' and concludes, 'the Bishops' conference referred to as CENCO is a very important educative force able to create new mentalities.'

Referring to the Bishop's declaration as 'a cat among the pigeons,' Le Phare reports that the bishops have been 'merciless towards the Transition's institutions,' and further indicates, 'the bishops recalled the limitations of the 1+4 architecture.' The paper headlines 'DRC Episcopal conference rejects the 1+4 architecture.'

With respect to the DRC political transition, La Référence Plus announces, 'the DRC electoral process is irreversible,' quoting Mr. William Lacy Swing, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for the DRC. Echoing MONUC weekly press conference, the paper says Mr. Swing informed, 'eight electoral specialists are already in DRC to help the CEI.'

Under the headlines, 'whoever attempts to boycott the electoral process will be in trouble,' echoing Mr. Swing's statement, L'Observateur reports, 'MONUC hails the launch of the identification and registration processes.'