Press Review 14 March 2005

9 Mar 2009

Press Review 14 March 2005

President Joseph Kabila's Tour to Asia is broadly and diversely commented by today's local press.
>, Le Potentiel writes on its front page. For the paper, the Congolese president's move has two objectives: To explain to his hosts the difficult progress of the DRC transition process and to win over investors by holding out the DRC's huge potentialities. The paper refers to it as a difficult mission arguing that >. Le Potentiel further argues that >.

At the end, this edition predicts that >. In this respect, echoing a Human Rights NGO La Voix Des Sans Voix, La Tempête des Tropiques considers that Joseph Kabila is putting a strain on the Public Treasury in >, which l'Observateur and Le Palmarès do not share. The first reports that Joseph Kabila was scheduled to be received by emperor Akihito, indicating that >. Le Palmarès further says and reassures >. Through its headline that reads Opponents have sent Joseph Kabila to an imaginary exile, L'Avenir reveals that >, noting that >.