Press Review

6 Mar 2009

Press Review

Kinshasa press further reacts to the security situation in North Kivu province/ Eastern DRC and also comments on the suspension of the six cabinet ministers as well as the posts sharing within public firms.
The headlines in L'AVENIR read: « FARDC and APR found themselves face to face in Kanyabayonga » which suggests that «there is only little improvement in Eastern DRC situation with respect to the withdrawal of Rwandan troops' that seized control of Bueremana district in Nord-Kivu province'previously under control of the Maï-Maï resistant' ».

The same paper says, « the Kinshasa-deployed troops to secure the eastern borders are on their way to Goma. Their movement was reportedly stopped in Kanyabayonga by the 8th military region, which is an indication that there are currently two military opposed forces on the ground. »

According to L'AVENIR: « the Rwandan troops that crossed into the DRC are wearing RCD's military uniforms used by the 8th military region, thereby making it difficult to tell Rwandan troops from the 8th military region's. »

LE PHARE says, the situation is giving serious cause for concerns. « Instead of fighting the enemy, Congolese are rather killing each other in Eastern DRC», the paper further says, reporting, « several people killed on Saturday in the clashes between FARDC factions, near the town of Goma' RCD-drawn troops were previously deployed in to flush out Maï-Maï ex-combatants from a position held in Goma periphery», when they came face to face with resistant Maï-Maï.

« The situation is very serious», LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUE alerts. The paper warns against « any frustrations likely to bring war to Kinshasa. » It also says: « Besides the war in Eastern DRC caused by Rwandan troops' incursion into DRC under false pretext of neutralising the Interhamwe, the town of Kinshasa is as well under threat. The threats come from all sides. Some of the suspended ministers would not like to see their honour sullied and demand an opportunity to defend themselves », alluding to the suspended ministers, whose replacement poses a problem within some components.
In this regard, LE PHARE considers that « Joseph Kabila is faced with dangerous choices». « Three weeks have elapsed since six cabinet ministers were suspended on 25 November, unfortunately no new information has been provided thus far to shed some light on a dossier that is getting further entangled'No one believes that the six suspended ministers would stand in the accused box to defend themselves while President Kabila's cabinet director (ndlr, Evariste Boshab-who recently resigned) is freely moving about as if nothing happened», the paper writes, adding that: « In any case, it is up to Joseph Kabila alone to decide in all honesty. »

The «round table is not therefore over yet with respect to the posts sharing in public firms among components and entities. Besides the army and the national police issues, there are other outstanding dossiers such as the security services and the public firms whose audit report continue to make waves», Le POTENTIEL highlights. « After being given the management of the army and the national police, the ex-belligerents agree that other components run the National Immigration Department known as DGM and the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) », the paper says. The National Intelligence Agency (ANR) would be attributed to the political opposition whereas the DGM would be given to the civil society.