Press Review

6 Mar 2009

Press Review

Shortage of Passports at DRC Foreign Affairs Ministry and Vice-President Ruberwa's visit to Bukavu are the major topics commented by today's local press. Some papers go back over the law on amnesty, which gives the Government and Parliament cause for concern and the PPRD's visit to Bandundu.
L'AVENIR titles: Shortage of passport: Foreign Affairs Ministry explains. According to Mr. Robert Mbwinga, Foreign Affairs Deputy-Minister, 'the passports' issue is thus far run by DGRAD (') which orders them from the Mint House which is currently facing equipment problems as well as shortage of materials. Consequently, an order has been placed with a South African printer. In the next few days, a presidential decree authorizing that passports be handled by the Foreign Affairs Ministry will be issued».

With regard to Vice-president Azarias Ruberwa's visit to Bukavu, LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES writes: Vice-President Ruberwa arrived in Bukavu last Friday on a tough mission and has been holding consultations. « Yesterday, after attending a church service, Mr. Azarias Ruberwa held talks with opinion leaders and other officials in South Kivu province. RCD national leader will do his utmost to meet as many people as possible with a view to exploring the ways and means likely to lead to the South Kivu's pacification». Le PHARE goes back over the same subject and writes: « Mr Ruberwa's arrival in Bukavu was punctuated by two serious incidents that left two persons dead and two seriously injured in the rank of the Maï-Maï. Last Friday, on the eve of his arrival, there were clashes between Maï-Maï troops tasked to secure the Kavumu airport and the troops that were escorting the Vice-president deployed around the airport, awaiting the Vice-president's aircraft to land ». In the same development, Le PALMARES refers to a high-risk mission and mentions the difficulties facing A. Ruberwa in the Greater Kivu!, titles the paper « Upon arriving at Kavumu airport in Bukavu, two groups of FARDC troops, as if by magic, started firing at one another leaving three dead. Ruberwa will have to play a dangerous balancing game in order to avoid disappointing his own party members, his Rwandan sponsors and of course the Congolese people»

LE POTENTIEL goes back over the law on amnesty and titles: Laurent. D. Kabila's assassination: Government and Parliament embarrassed, alluding to a letter addressed by the head of the Parliament, Olivier Kamitatu, to the Supreme Court, seeking its advice on the law and requested the Court to give its interpretation of the concepts « political and non-political crime», alluding mainly to Laurent D. Kabila's assassination on 16 January 2001 in his office.

LA REFERENCE PLUS comments on the visit of an important delegation of President Kabila's political party known as Parti du Peuple pour la Reconstruction et le Developpement (PPRD) led by the Minister of Interior to Bandundu. « Theophile Mbemba and Maria ' Ange Lukiana have won a tremendous success. The first move was successful. Other political parties are now under obligation to work out their own strategies». FORUM DES AS also titles: Leading an important PPRD delegation, Theophile Mbemba won a tremendous success in Idiofa.