DRC Press Review

5 Mar 2009

DRC Press Review

*Original in French

Monday's newspaper headlines are devoted mainly to the following: the criticism levelled at the Transitional Parliament, reports mentioning a recruitment of mercenaries to destabilise the DRC and the imminent arrival of International Criminal Court (ICC) investigators. Some papers offer additional comments on the sacking of Antoine Ghonda as well as on Bizima Karaha's case.
Regarding the activities of the National Assembly, L'AVENIR considers that 'given what is happening, the Parliament is delaying the Transition.' The paper notes that the plenary announced for last Friday failed to take place due to the lack of a quorum. 'Out of 500 MPs only 130 showed up at the Palais du people. A development that tested the patience of the President of the Parliament who decided to reconvene the plenary for Monday.'

Referring to what it describes as the 'watered down' version of the report of UN experts on the DRC, LA REFERENCE PLUS headlines 'The UN backs down under Rwanda's pressure.' Quoting the statement made public Saturday by the Security Council Committee, the paper says, 'The Committee is still in the process of giving the report and the recommendations it contains further attention.' According to the paper, 'The statement indicates the Security Council and the group of experts are deeply concerned about the fact that a preliminary version of the report was made public before its official publication, and that this report was misquoted or a misrepresentation thereof was given by a number of news agencies and other media organisations.'

L'OBSERVATEUR, for its part, mentions a "recruitment of 500 mercenaries in order to destabilise the DRC.' According to the paper, this recruitment is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa. 'A Cape Town-based firm is recruiting exiled former Congolese soldiers as well as civilian guards working in South Africa to be used as mercenaries in the DRC. The objective of this operation organised by a number of Congolese of the Diaspora, is to weaken, if not to foil, the transition process,' the paper claims.

In a piece titled 'Massacres and cannibalism: The ICC investigators due in Kinshasa this Wednesday,' LE PHARE announces that International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Luis Moreno de Campo's envoys are scheduled to meet with Congolese political and judicial authorities and the human rights defenders as well. Luis Moreno de Campo has expressed his vehement desire to investigate the DRC's case, given the scale of crimes committed in the country over the past years, the paper recalls.

Referring to the eight MPs [from the RCD-Goma] who suspended their participation in the Transitional Parliament, LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES titles 'b>On Behalf of the Government, three Ministers, on visit to North Kivu, are holding talks with Bizima and Co in Goma.' According to the paper, 'the government delegation, which includes the Minister of Social Affairs and the Minister of Higher and University Education, was sent to the East in order to convince the eight MPs to rejoin the Parliament. But the outcome of (the delegation)'s mission remains uncertain because their interlocutors seem to maintain their position.'

Recalling the sacking of Minister of Foreign Affairs Antoine Ghonda, LE PALMARES titles 'Here is how Ghonda's sacking has devided J. Kabila and JP. Bemba.' According to the paper, the Head of State did all he could to save the young Minister. But, not wanting to disappoint Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, Jean-Pierre Bemba first wrote to Joseph Kabila, before getting diplomats to intervene, the paper says.
Ultimately Bemba prevailed in this struggle because of constitutional provisions, the paper adds.

According to FORUM DES AS, 'Ghonda's dismissal has aroused tensions in Matadi and Bukavu.' Quoting 'reliable sources', the paper says, 'as soon as the news was announced, tension appeared in the town of Bukavu in South Kivu province. In a spontaneous demonstration on Saturday, Bukavu residents, often the victims of the conflict in the Great Lakes, marched through the streets and eventually rallied at the Independence square.' 'Indignant, the population of Matadi is gearing up to organise, as soon as possible, a demonstration to show their resentment toward the MLC President (Bemba) and his entourage,' the paper also notes.