Press Review

5 Mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local papers in Kinshasa devote their headlines to the situation in Bukavu. They also comment on the outcome of the UN Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping operations, Jean-Marie Guéhenno's visit to the DRC and the sub region, as well as the dossier regarding corruption within the DRC government, denounced by president Joseph Kabila.
L'OBSERVATEUR indicates that « fight with automatic weapons resumed yesterday in Bukavu between the troops loyal to General Mbuza Mabe, commander of the 10th military region and the mutineers in the pay of Colonel Mutebutsi, the suspended second-in-command». The paper refers to fights in the Ruzizi, Alfajiri college and Kadutu districts as well as the massive flight of the population in Nguba district to neighbouring Rwanda having left five people dead including the president of the Court of Appeal in Bukavu killed by a stray bullet and several injured. Lootings were also reported in some districts. The paper quotes General Mabe as saying « Colonel Mutebutsi has reportedly taken refuge in MONUC premises in Bukavu ».

LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES says, MONUC has been trying to bring the two warring parties closer in order to calm down the situation and find a peaceful solution. « At the same time, MONUC is endeavouring to secure the population who did not leave the town. MONUC has been reinforced by troops from Kindu, Goma and Bunia » and deplored the new fight «in Bukavu where two armed groups continue fighting».

Furthermore, the paper publishes a Government's communiqué issued at the end of a meeting between the ministers of Interior, Defence, Foreign Affairs and Information warning the Congolese media against «broadcasting messages likely to aggravate the situation ('), radio-televised debates around this issue in its current configuration», in order to enable decision makers to resolve this basically military and non political issue in all « serenity», adding that «the issue will be sorted out by our army». Media are warned against hate rhetoric, LA REFERENCE PLUS says on its front page.

RCD left leaderless in Bukavu, headlines LE PALMARES, announcing the execution of RCD's permanent provincial Secretary, Jean-Marie Mbaka. The paper publishes RCD/Goma's communiqué condemning «the unjustified» armed clash and demanding that «disciplinary measures be taken against those who committed selective kidnapping and assassination on the tribal background».

On a visit to Bujumbura, Azarias Ruberwa reported missing, headlines LE PALMARES on its front page. The paper finds it « curious » that shortly after flying to Bujumbura Wednesday, the Vice-president for Political, Defence and Security matters and leader of RCD, is « cut off from the outside world and has switched off all his mobile phones». The paper therefore says, the Head of State and a few other members of the presidential circle « seeking to join him in vain, have just given up».

Kivu will block the whole process, headlines LE PHARE declaring that the new war in Bukavu has confirmed the most pessimistic predictions on the DRC transition and proven how fragile the situation is.

L'AVENIR headlines, After Bukavu, Kindu in turmoil. Citing a « reliable source », it reports that the population in Maniema district « took up its responsibilities » by preventing General Kabambi wa Kabambi to board MONUC flight and travel to Kinshasa where he was expected by the military hierarchy. The population feels « fully secured by this Maï-Maï officer » and fears that his absence « causes a nightmare». « Bukavu events came to add to the fear of the population in Kindu», the paper writes further noting how trustful the population are towards the Maï-Maï officers and troops.

Bukavu: Joseph Kabila says those found guilty will be punished, headlines FORUM DES AS. The paper says that president Kabila tasked the ministers of Interior and Defence to restore order and calm and secure the population. « Justice will do its job and those found guilty will be punished, according to the laws of the DRC», Mr. Kabila declared, quoted by LE POTENTIEL. The paper indicates that the Congolese head of state made this statement when speaking to the governors and vice-governors appointed last 16 May and briefing them on «the political outlines of the Transitional institutions».

LE PHARE echoes the reaction of the UN Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, reiterating that armies must immediately be reunified. « With regard to the situation in Bukavu, he (Mr. Guéhenno) highlighted the need to build an integrated army at every level». Mr. Guéhenno: « Bukavu's issue is a clear illustration of the need to create a national Congolese army », headlines LA REFERENCE PLUS on its front page.

The paper echoes yesterday's press conference in Kinshasa held by Mr. Guéhenno at the end of his visit to the DRC and the sub-region indicating that the army-related issue was a precondition for the holding of elections, the settlement of the foreign armed groups-related issue and the police reunification and integration. He said in a nutshell that «the challenge of the elections is to create conditions conducive to transparent and peaceful elections to enable the Congolese people to manifest their sovereignty», the paper reports.

UN promises to step up its military pressure on the rebels, headlines LE POTENTIEL. Referring to Mr. Guéhenno's visit, the paper indicates that its purpose was to force Rwandan Hutu rebels of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR), based in Eastern DRC, to turn in their weapons. « With its increased military means, MONUC has more options than the FDLR», the UN Under Secretary-General says.

Going back over the issue relating to corruption, which some government members were reportedly accused of, the paper publishes a Clarifying statement by president Kabila's spokesman and four ministers to the press. A letter was well and truly addressed by president Joseph Kabila to the presidents of the Senate and national Assembly; which did not mention any name, says president Kabila's spokesman, Kudura Kasongo, to LE POTENTIEL. In a letter addressed to LE POTENTIEL by the minister of Public Work, Mines, Defence, Public Firms and Civil service, the latter denounce the infringement of their rights to honour and dignity. They therefore demanded, « repair for moral prejudice», adds FORUM DES AS.