DRC Press Review

4 Mar 2009

DRC Press Review

In today's press, Kinshasa's newspapers comment on the military operations of the Ituri Brigade in Bunia, the commander of the 10th military region's return to Kinshasa after last week's incidents in Bukavu and the Vice President of the Republic in charge of the Commission on Political, Defence and Security Issues' controversial speech delivered on the occasion of the International Women's Day.
"Unfortunate mistake or deliberate operation?" wonders LE PHARE about the routine operation that MONUC troops organised in Bunia on Monday. The paper quotes the Catholic news agency Misna as saying "a group of UN peacekeepers conducted brutal searches at residences of the episcopacy of the diocese of Bunia apparently in search for arms and militiamen...It is reported that troops of the [Ituri] Brigade forced their way into the residences, which they searched through. The violence of the operation is said to have left at least one wounded person, a young man hit with a bullet. There was strong indignation among priests of the diocese and worshippers upon learning about this operation. According to one priest, MONUC will likely loose much of its credibility with the Church and worshippers," LE PHARE quotes Misna as saying.

In another development, LE PHARE reports that, General [Prosper] Nabyolwa is in Kinshasa where he arrived yesterday, thanks to MONUC. "The Bukavu-based commander of the 10th military region arrived in Kinshasa for consultations with the High Command, in the context of investigations led by General Buki (land force chief of staff) into several security-related incidents in Bukavu," the paper says.

On Monday in Bukavu, General Nabyolwa called for calm, urging the local population understand "that MONUC works for us." He was speaking after 15 days spent into hiding following gunfights near his residence in Bukavu. Earlier, during an interview over Radio Okapi, President Joseph Kabila assured that General Nabyolwa (feared dead) would reappear shortly.

"With General Nabyolwa's arrival in Kinshasa, people will only be waiting for General Buki's report to know what sanctions might be taken in the context of Major Kasongo's case", LE POTENTIEL notes.

In a story entitled "International Women's Day: led by the unavoidable [Mrs] Tshala Mwana (politician and singer), women members of PPRD humiliate Ruberwa", LE PHARE gives a detailed account of the events organised in Kinshasa on Monday, of which it points out "the Government's words of commitment which were pronounced by Vice President of the Republic Azarias Ruberwa Manywa."

"Dressed with loin cloths with the following words inscribed on them , women from the 24 districts of the capital followed four addresses", including those by Vice President of the Republic in charge of the Commission on Political, Defence & Security Issues and the Minister of Women's Condition & Family. To the Transitional Government and the international community, the Minister (a woman) recommended respecting articles 17 and 51 of the Constitution, which guarantee equality between the sexes.

On behalf of the Transitional Government, Vice President Azarias Ruberwa, in turn, presented apology, and paid tribute to all women "for all the sacrifices they make."

"Not in the least expecting the humiliation that was to follow his address, [Mr. Ruberwa] found himself in front of one woman with her hands and feet cut off, who was brought to him by other women from the presidential party (PPRD, People's Party for Reconstruction and Development), masking themselves in the day's dress. In front of the podium were women members of PPRD carrying sign with such messages as 'RCD=Rapist', 'RCD=women buried alive', 'RCD=We will never accept you'," the paper reports.

"Following the uproar, and the insults and taunts that are said to have been hurled at the RCD by a group of women, some RCD officials contacted LE PHARE, denouncing a real plot against Azarias Ruberwa", the paper goes on saying.

"Ruberwa was booed and cursed by Congolese women," LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES, in turn, notes.
"The celebration of International Women's Day turned into a real drama," FORUM DES AS comments.