Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local press continues reacting to the reorganization of President Joseph Kabila's cabinet. It further devotes its comments to the South African President, Thabo Mbeki's visit to Kinshasa.
With the headlines, « President's Cabinet: Joseph Kabila's men», Le Potentiel sums up « the Head of State has won the bet» by appointing a team including « five major political figures: Evariste Boshab, Augustin Katumba Mwanke, Samba Kaputo, Kikaya bin Karubi and She Okitundu. The Director of President's cabinet, Evariste Boshab, is said to be an open-minded spirit in the Kinshasa political spheres and an efficient and loyal collaborator to the Head of State, Joseph Kabila. The Head of State's Special Advisor, Samba Kaputo is described as a hard working official who previously served as government's expert to the inter-Congolese political talks, which gives him the advantage of knowing better the transitional institutions' players. »

Le Potentiel says, « She Okitundu is to be credited with revitalizing the Congolese diplomacy' Known as the man of difficult situation in the President's entourage, the roving ambassador Katumba Mwanke took an active part in the inter Congolese talks, as Kinshasa government' representative'As for Kikaya bin Karubi, the newly-appointed Head of State's personal secretary, he is said to have joined the political sphere from Zimbabwe, where he served as ambassador during the war of aggression; he met with President Joseph Kabila in Zimbabwe who was then army chief of staff' »

«The President's team (is) finally in place»; by reorganizing his cabinet, « the Head of State has adapted himself to the new political scene» titles L'Observateur. «Joseph Kabila has put in place his team in anticipation of the future elections» highlights Le Phare. Le Palmarès feels that there are « hidden truths behind Joseph Kabila's reshuffle. »
The paper notes that Katanga province « is in the lead with five officials appointed whereas Equateur province comes the last with no representative appointed at all. The major figures such as Samba Kaputo, She Okitundu, Mwenze Kongolo, Katumba Mwanke 'who could play a more prominent part than Boshab are simply distanced from the cabinet's leadership' Some of the promoted figures such as Ntumba Luaba whose cohabitation with Yerodia was not at all harmonious, owe their promotion to the sole good will of president Joseph Kabila. This is also true for Kikaya bin Karubi who deserves the medal of the greatest opportunist of the Congolese political class' »

L'Avenir rather focuses on « What is expected from Joseph Kabila. » The paper says that they should refrain from « playing a divisive role and overshadowing the work of the Head of State's political family. They should also avoid turning to a political group; but should rather help the Head of State to successfully carry through the tasks confided him by the nation. » Therefore, « With the new team, Joseph Kabila has engaged in a decisive battle. »

L'Observateur announces that President Joseph Kabila recognized Monday in Kinshasa «the ranks» of three RCD armed forces senior officers, namely: Brigadier General Rwibafira Obey and colonels Mutebezi Jules and Firo Nsimba. President Joseph Kabila dissolved the anti corruption and fraud commission, created by the 29 August 2002 presidential decree tasking with the optimal collection of incomes due to the government. The commission players are blamed for failing to carry out their work correctly.

The paper finally mentions President Thabo Mbeki's visit to the DRC. « Expected today in Kinshasa, South-African President Thabo Mbeki is coming to test the Congolese transition. During his 48-hour's visit, he will review the project on the creation of a joint commission to oversee cooperation between Kinshasa and Pretoria, the transition's progress, especially regarding the electoral aspect, and will as well explore the possibilities for his country to further support the DRC transition», announces Le Phare.