Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

Bills regulating the organization and functioning of the transitional institutions; the South-African Head of State, Thabo Mbeki's working visit to the DRC and the critical situation in Eastern DRC are the major subjects analyzed by today's local press in Kinshasa.
President Joseph Kabila signed two decrees Tuesday convening an extraordinary session of the Senate and the National Assembly this Wednesday 7 January 2004 « to examine and vote the government' bills», says Forum des As. The bills in question are those relating to the opening of provisional credits, the organic laws on the organization, terms of reference and the functioning of the institutions to support the democracy, the organization and the functioning of the political parties; the bill on the financial year 2004; the bill on amnesty, decentralization, national defense and the army.

According to L'Observateur, « the Head of State has convened the extraordinary session of the National Assembly and the Senate to allow the members of parliaments to definitely sort out all the pending issues in the agenda since October 2003. »

Simultaneously, writes Le Phare, President Joseph Kabila has addressed thank- you letters to heads of States, the representatives of the international financial institutions as well as to the representatives of the agencies of the United Nations System « for their assistance and support» to the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the sessions of the Consultative Group organized in Paris from 16 through 19 December 2003 by the World Bank. « The support to the DRC is the culmination of the efforts made by the government since the year 2002, with a view to streamlining the management the country's finances and the comeback of the Congolese diplomacy to the international scene» indicates a communiqué from the presidency echoed by this paper.

The same document further indicates, « it is in the framework of the excellent relations with our sister countries that the South African president Thabo Mbeki is to shortly make a State visit to the DRC on the invitation of his Congolese counterpart. »

A visit that has sparked off comments by some papers such as Le Palmarès which considers that « The purpose of Thabo Mbeki's visit to thoroughly review the transition in the DRC' He is coming to assess the work achieved by all the parties with the support of the international community. »

Under the headline, « Thabo Mbeki and William Swing to pressure the Transitional institutions», Forum des As points out: « 'The two personalities (due to address the National Assembly next week) will pressure the Transition key players to bring them to respect the election calendar. »

In another development, Le Potentiel reports the « risk of social implosion in Eastern DRC where, since 15 December 2003, the General Tax Department staff has been on strike, to claim their salary. » L'Avenir, in turn, refers to « a confusion in Bukavu, where the South-Kivu governor, Xavier Ciribanya, was relieved of his duties and the president of the Provincial Assembly, Prosper Mushobekwa, was arrested Tuesday. »

Finally, Forum des As echoes a recent survey by a Research and Consulting International Office/Bureau d'Etudes, de Recherches et de Consulting International (BERCI), declaring the supremacy of Radio Okapi over « several local and international radio stations in the Kivus. » Radio Okapi obtained 73% in the audience ratings conducted in Maniema, North Kivu and South Kivu provinces, says the paper, adding « 73% of the interviewees declared being regular listeners of radio Okapi than other radio stations. » The paper explains: « According to the analysts, three major reasons argue in favor of this wide audience; the promotion of objective information, the wide coverage of the DRC territory and its swiftness in casting news. »