Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

The adoption of the draft organic law on the functioning and the terms of reference of the Independent Electoral Commission, CEI in French acronym, and the provincial tour by the Vice-President in charge of the political, defense and security commission dominate the political news in today?s local papers in Kinshasa.
The National Assembly adopted Saturday 27 December 2003 the draft organic law on the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI), under the all-inclusive agreement and the transitional constitution. « It is a major step towards the organization of the general elections», stresses Le Palmarès. « It is a step forward in the transitional process», says Le Potentiel. « By the terms of this law, the independence of this Commission does not limit to its functioning only but also vis-à-vis the other transitional institutions. The Commission's role is also to organize the electoral process, explains the paper. Le Potentiel says, « the independence of the CEI is not guaranteed yet. If the political players do not commit themselves to favoring the universal suffrage and hence to comply with the established rules, the independence will be mortgaged».

« The role of the Independent Electoral Commission created by one of the resolutions of the Inter Congolese Dialogue is to organize elections at the end of the transition. Its terms of reference further include the organization of every step of the process, from the referendum up to the publication of the results at every level, the monitoring of the neutrality, impartiality and transparency of the process» recalls Le Palmarès calling on the President of this Commission and his collaborators to « seriously settle to work and comply with all the commitments made. »

Le Palmarès, in turn, fears a new cycle of tragedies, at a time when people's eyes are turned towards the elections. This paper headlines « The DRC is once more under a threat of a bloodier new war! ». « According to an illicitly lingering document (from Brussels), weapons resumed circulating dangerously in our country», the paper says, further indicating, « reliable sources confirmed that weapons were sent to the Mai Mai movements and other government ex-components allied groups, such as the Congolese Rally for Democracy-Liberation Movement (RCD/ML), the Congolese Rally for Democracy/National (RCD/N). In Kasaï, weapons were reportedly supplied to extremists' groups by an unidentified African country via Rwanda. »

Le Phare provides full details of Vice-President Azarias Ruberwa's provincial tour. The paper stresses the army-related issue addressed by the head of the political, defense and security commission. « A strong gesture in favor of DRC's reunification process: Ruberwa makes major concessions on the Army» headlines the paper, alluding to the decision to replace the three RCD high-ranking officers who refused to join Kinshasa to sit in the Integrated Army Staff.
« Besides his mission's major objective, namely, the reunification of the country after the five years' war, the opinion was surprised by the Vice-President's announcement of a decree appointing three other high ranking officers to replace General Nkunda and Colonels Gichondo and Ruhorimbere» reports the paper, further quoting Mr. Ruberwa as indicating that «the three officers will be assigned other duties corresponding to their skills and grades in recognition of their enormous service to the nation. »