Press Review

4 Mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local papers mainly focus on the adoption of government programme by the Parliament. Some papers comment on the Paris meeting of the Donors' consultative group for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the end of magistrates' strike and the announcement of the return of calm in Katanga after the socio-political malaise between Katangese and Kasai communities.
Four-day debates at the National Assembly culminated in the adoption of the government programme Thursday, announces Le Potentiel. « The MPs made recommendations on the organization of the general elections, the government-owned firms, the social sector (the salary for the public administration and private sectors staff), the national recovery program in terms of economy and security» adds the paper.
In this regard, « The members of parliaments tied the holding of the elections to the pacification and reunification of the national territory, the free movement of people and goods. They called for immediate audits of the government-owned firms and the appointment of public proxies, the normalization of relations between the DRC and its neighbors, an immediate screening and repatriation of the Congolese diplomats having reached the end of their mandate and the formation of a competent diplomatic corps. »

The Government presented its programme to the Parliament early December. After amending the texts, the national Assembly called on the Government to make « a clear commitment and limit its actions in keeping with the time frame and space provided for in the All-inclusive agreement. The deadline for the elections being 2005, the government should make every effort to achieve the bulk of the work within the given time.»

L?Observateur echoes the ICST (International Commission for the Support of the Transition)?s communiqué dated 17 December 2003 « encouraging the National Assembly and the Senate to speed up the adoption of a legislative framework necessary for the holding of free and democratic elections within the given time indicated in the Constitution». Likewise the ICST « encourages the transitional government to swiftly take appropriate steps in the areas (discussed by the 16 December cabinet meeting), namely the formation of the Army, the decree on the creation, organization and functioning of the military commission in charge of the integration. »

La Référence Plus indicates, « The organization of the Public Administration and of government-owned firms is postponed until January 2004. The Head of State and the Vice-Presidents, after reviewing the first year of the All-inclusive Agreement with serenity, would not like to shake up the institutions in place.»

Le Potentiel echoes the Paris donors meeting held on 17-19 December 2003 between Congolese and International experts and the donors. The paper announces, « the Democratic Republic of the Congo was given 3.9 billion dollars at the end of the discussions, 70% of which will be earmarked for the infrastructures such as roads, ports, airports, railroads) and 30% for health, education, agriculture and community development. » « The DRC is obliged to urgently achieve the political and administrative reunification of its national territory and to organize the elections in the given time. The DRC must also honor its economic commitments, in keeping with its economic programme (PEG) »

« The 1st President of the Supreme Court of Justice confirms the end of the magistrates? strike» announces Forum des As. « He declared that decision makers will take magistrates? claims into consideration. The Magistrates stopped working over a month ago. »

Forum des As further reports, « calm has returned in Katanga. The tensions caused by an attack on the Vice-President of the Union of the Congolese Federalists/Union Nationale des Fédéralistes du Congo (UNAFEC) by the UDPS members (in Kinshasa) have eased. Gabriel Kyungu wa Kumwanza (UNADEF national leader) rather opted for reconciliation. Though manhandled, he made an appeal for calm?.