Press Review

6 mar 2009

Press Review

Today's local press focuses its comments on the security situation in Eastern DRC, notably North and South Kivus as well as the talks between the Ituri Brigade Generals and President Joseph Kabila. Some papers goes back over President Kabila's End of the Year message to the nation and the Transition cabinet's reshuffle.
« Dissidents in the gateway of South Kivu», Le Potentiel alerts on its front page, alluding to the « persisting Rwandan threat». In this respect, the paper echoes a message from the Bishop of Butembo and Beni, Mr. Mélchisédech Paluku Sikuli, broadcast last Sunday, denouncing «the supply of weapons and ammunition to the dissidents by Kigali. » The catholic bishop says, « the Kinyarwanda-speaking dissidents are still in Kanyabayonga, Kayina, and Kirumba districts (where) they have established their army headquarters within the premises of the Kasando-based church and monastery».

The paper goes on to say: « In Bukavu, the headquarters of the 10th military region in South Kivu, some of the soldiers infiltrated from Rwanda were captured by Congolese specialised services. Though nothing transpired from their confessions, it however appears that Kigali is preparing a large-scale military operation against the FARDC stronghold at the borders with Rwanda. »
« Yet the dissidents declared on 25 December 2004 having pulled back 5 kilometres », the paper recalls.

In the same columns, Le Potentiel echoes MONUC's position over the security situation quoting the Deputy Head of Public Information, Eliane Nabaa as declaring on Wednesday during the press briefing « that MONUC has no indication of any ammunition supply (to the dissidents)'MONUC's troop-deployment is proceeding normally' No fight is currently reported in the buffer zone».

LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES announces the army chief of staff, General Sylvain Buki's tour to North Kivu. « His mission consisted in inspecting the troops deployed in that part of the country, more precisely in Beni and Lubero' ». The same paper also mentions President Joseph Kabila's meeting in Kisangani with the recently promoted five Brigadier Generals' Jérôme Kakwavu of FAPC, Floribert Kitembo of UPC-K, Germain Katanga of FRPP, Godars Sugba of FNI and Shalingo Zamundu of PUSIC who belong to the warring factions in Ituri'. « They will shortly be sworn in, in Kinshasa. The Brigadier Generals exchanged season's wishes with the FARDC Commander-in-chief», the paper says, echoing President Kabila's military adviser, General Denis Kalume Numbi.

Commenting on President Joseph Kabila's address, the paper says, « the year 2005 was declared an electoral year. To materialise his declaration of faith, the head of state is currently visiting the Kisangani-based headquarters of the FARDC, in a bid to foil Rwandan's attempt to invade North Kivu », LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES says, estimating that the presence of Major General Joseph Kabila in Eastern province « represents the first steps towards the major objective: the elections. »

Further commenting on the cabinet reshuffle, Le Phare estimates that «Bemba Gombo is pushing Kabila to take legal actions ». The paper echoes Vice-President Jean-Pierre Bemba's views over the replacement of the six suspended ministers in the cabinet reshuffle on Monday. « As leader of his component, Jean-Pierre Bemba demands justice after denouncing a series or irregularities in the procedure. In other terms, this implies that either a plenary meeting should be convened to hear the suspended ministers before dismissing them or their dossier should be referred to the courts and tribunals in all transparency», the paper says.