Press Review 29 December 2004

6 mar 2009

Press Review 29 December 2004

RCD's meeting of its Founders College dominates today's local press. Some of the local papers also go back over President Kabila's trip to Libya to meet with Libyan president and UDPS' position with regard to the upcoming elections.
« High tension at RCD's seat: Guns were drawn at RCD's seat yesterday», FORUM DES AS reports, indicating that « RCD's ministers on the outgoing list are resisting ». Describing the atmosphere prevailing outside the meeting hall, the paper says « Honourable Pele Mongo, MP, was seen quite furious and shouting angrily », «his reaction spread agitations among General Jean Pierre Ondekane's close protection guards who were ready to shoot if the situation were not clarified». FORUM DES AS quotes the guards as declaring «Congolese should abstain from selling their country to foreigners just to fill their pockets ».

Describing the atmosphere at RCD's seat, LE PHARE titles, «RCD: reshuffle mood », «the cabinet reshuffle is becoming clearer: Ondekane, Mudumbi, Emile Ngoyi, Banza Mukalayi and Bedy Makhubu on the ejector seat ». The paper reports «the RCD's MP, Pele Mongo, threatened to spill the beans over Rwanda's control of RCD at a protest march which he envisages to organise this morning across the capital city of Kinshasa should his friends be sacked ».

L'OBSERVATEUR goes back over the same issue and announces « Dissension within RCD», « Senator Moise Nyarugabo remains optimistic despite the tension: RCD will not implode, we are quite mature to sort out our internal problems». L'OBSERVATEUR also mentions the toll of the fights pitting the FARDC against FDLR. « Eight dead and five prisoners »

With respect to the RCD's meeting of its Founders College, LE PALMARES titles « RCD: face to face Ruberwa versus Ondekane took place yesterday ». « Ruberwa, using the proxy power vested him by Bizima and Kamanzi prevailed. He imposed a minister from Kasaï Oriental (Onusumba) and another one from Bas Congo ». LE PALMARES further writes, « furious, Ondekane walked out closing the door on further negotiations and The MP Pele Mongo furious, voiced his disapproval' ».

LE PALMARES reports on president Kabila's trip to Libya and writes, « rumours in Kinshasa over president Joseph Kabila's sudden trip to Libya yesterday at 4 am ». «What lies behind this secret trip' » Le Palmarès wonders, attempting to answer its own question. « The situation facing DRC in East is a result of the mess created by Rwandan troops, certainly alluding to the last aggression on the DRC».

Reporting on the North Kivu situation, LA REFERENCE PLUS denounces: « the Kinyarwanda-speaking Congolese over the DRC's partition». The paper quotes many Congolese observers as indicating « Uncertain about winning the elections under the present conditions, the kinyarwanda-speaking leaders are trying to cut out Masisi and Rutshuru from the DRC ». The paper further says, « many analysts believe that the MONUC's buffer zone favours the partition»

The headlines in LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES read: « the after-effects of the Kanyabayonga clashes, the presumed guilty troops in the accused box». « The verdict to be rendered today, unfortunately not a single mutineer appeared for trial» LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES further says noting that «the mutineers still escape the control of the highest military hierarchy since they have not been tried by the Butembo military court».

LE POTENTIEL refers to « political strategies » and titles « Rescue leadership: UDPS makes its position known », alluding to the recently organised poll. In this regard, the paper writes « Tshisekedi and UDPS will win an overwhelmingly victory should the elections be held in all transparency in November and December 2004 ».