Clashes in North-Kivu

3 Mar 2009

Clashes in North-Kivu

Kinshasa, 3 September 2007. Clashes between opposed elements of the "Charlie" mixed brigade, have taken place during the past few days in three territories of North-Kivu. An ambush caused the death of four soldiers loyal to the government ensuing in a fight opposing loyalist and dissident battalions. Loyalist units of the Charlie brigade organized a defensive position in the city of Katale. Fighting in the past few days resulted in 6 confirmed deaths, 35 wounded and several hundred displaced persons.
Faced with this situation, MONUC immediately reinforced its military presence in the town of Masisi. The Mission's helicopter transport capabilities are being used to ferry the injured to the United Nations hospital in Goma. In addition, MONUC helicopters transported an FARDC company and 1,500 Kgs of ammunition. MONUC is intensifying efforts to protect civilians, particularly displaced persons, against groups that may threaten them. MONUC combat helicopters are constantly operational in a bid to protect civilians and support peacekeepers currently carrying out this mission on the ground.

MONUC calls on all stakeholders to avoid any measure that may lead to a resurgence of violence. The Mission further calls on the parties involved to work towards a solution based on dialogue in order to avoid continuing suffering of the population as a result of these clashes. MONUC supports the call made by the Minister of Defense and Veterans, Mr Chikez Diemu, in his press release and encourages all non-integrated elements to join the integration process. The Mission will assist all those willing to join the process.