DR Press Review

9 Mar 2009

DR Press Review

*Original text in French

The argument on whether or not to extend the current political transition in the DRC continues to capture headlines in the local press in Kinshasa. Newspapers appearing today abound with comments on that issue.
'To avoid a political deadlock, let us have a dialogue,' suggests LE POTENTIEL, noting that 'tension rises in Kinshasa's political circles as nears June 30, the date on which the transitional institutions, born of the Global and All Inclusive Agreement, will have been in place for 24 months.' According to the paper, 'The CIAT has the constitutional obligation to ensure the smooth completion of the transition' process.
'The International Committee In Support of the Transition would do well to induce Congolese leaders to have a dialogue so that elections can be held within the constitutional deadline, and in peacefully conditions,' the paper concludes

'Father Malu-Malu is playing with fire again,' announces LE PHARE, referring to the head of the Independent Electoral Commission. 'The man did not learn the lesson of 10 January 2005,' notes the paper, wondering 'How can Malu-Malu take the risk of publishing a special timetable for the electoral process while the key issue, that of the constitutional, or political, extension of the transition is still pending''
'If Malu-Malu persists stubbornly in playing with fire, as he did in January 2005, he should then admit he is an arsonist and take the consequences,' LE PHARE comments.

According to LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES, 'Malu-Malu is about to submit his request for a transition extension' during 'a week fraught with all sorts of dangers in the DRC'

LA TEMPETE DES TROPIQUES notes that 'by openly attacking [opposition leader] Etienne Tshisekedi for reasons known only to himself, [Vice-President in charge of the Reconstruction and Development Commission] Yerodia disregards the principle of non-conflictuality.' Further criticising Yerodia's behaviour, the paper mentions 'the great losses of dignity and honour the country had already suffered on the international stage because of the Vice-President's utter lack of restraint.'

Vis-à-vis the 30 June 2005 deadline, LE PALMARES, under the headline 'UDPS's last strategy', publishes a long interview by party leader Etienne Tshisekedi's chief advisor, Maitre Mukendi Wa Mulumba. 'There will be no earthquake on 30 June 2005, but a smooth crossing toward more serious preparations for elections,' writes the paper, quoting Maitre Mukendi.

Also on the subject of elections, quoting the head of the High Authority of Media in a press conference, L'AVENIR reports that Mr Modeste Mutinga ' reviewed the situation of media in the DRC, which situation is characterised the controversy over the 30 June 2005 deadline, threats against the press and media in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu and Katanga.'

In relation to the security and military situation during the transition, L'OBSEVATEUR announces the arrival of European Union envoy 'Aldo Ajello in Kinshasa this week'.
'The EU special envoy to the Great Lakes region will hold meetings with President Kabila, the four Vice-Presidents and with the presidents of the National Assembly and Senate,' according to the paper. It quotes Mr Ajello as saying ' the European Union regards aspects related to reform of the security sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as matters of great priority.'