MONUC condemns the massacre of at least 15 people by Rwanda Hutu rebels in South Kivu

3 Mar 2009

MONUC condemns the massacre of at least 15 people by Rwanda Hutu rebels in South Kivu

MONUC condemns the massacre of at least 15 people

by Rwandan Hutu rebels in South Kivu
MONUC 'condemns in the strongest terms possible the attack by a group of about 25 Rwandan Hutu rebels on the locality of Buba, 60 km south west of Bukavu, in South Kivu,' the Director of MONUC Public Information and spokesman, Mr. Kemal Saïki told the weekly news conference today. 'The attack happened during the night of Sunday 9 October to Monday 10 October, between 22h30 and 23h30,' indicated Mr. Saïki before adding, 'MONUC recorded that 15 people were killed with knives and 12 seriously injured. DRC authorities, for their part, reported 25 dead.'
Referring to the 'South Kivu brigade that rushed a quick reaction unit to the scene along with a medical assistance team,' MONUC military Spokesman, Lieutenant-Colonel Thierry Provendier, informed that on the basis of 'the information gathered by MONUC troops, a group of about 25 Rwandan Hutu elements infiltrated, from Mugaba forest, the Kanyola-based Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC).' Hence, with a view to securing more effectively the area, 'the South Kivu brigade ever since has been maintaining a military presence in the Walungu territory. Three patrols secure the surroundings of Kanyola around the foothills of Mugaba forest. Operation Night Flash has been also stepped up and has been ongoing every night,' further said Lieutenant-colonel Provendier.

Moreover, 'MONUC team conducted a preliminary investigative mission but was denied access to the attacked villages by the local population. The team returned to Walungu and visited the 12 injured in Walungu hospital without being able to interview them due to their poor health condition,' highlighted Ms Sonia Bakar of MONUC Human Rights Division.

The Director of MONUC Public Information, recalled that 'DRC, Rwanda and Ugandan governments had issued an ultimatum to Rwandan hutu rebels operating in the DRC that they had up to end of September to implement their decision to lay down weapons and return to Rwanda,' indicating, 'MONUC believes the Tripartite Commission should implement its decision to enforce the serious consequences against Rwandan hutu rebels. FARDC must take concrete actions against the Hutu rebels operating in North Kivu.'

'North Kivu brigade proceeds with deterrent and sensitisation actions with a view to neutralising Nkunda and the troops that joined him and to encourage the disarmament of civilians ('). A mobile operational basis was established in Burungu, not far from Kichanga,' indicated the Military Spokesman.

Following the news on the human bones uncovered in the headquarters of the newly deployed 5th integrated Brigade of the FARDC, in Rutshuru, 'a MONUC multidisciplinary mission based in Goma visited Rutshuru on 27 September 2005 to enquire about the locations and origin of the mass graves. MONUC visited three mass graves, along with the Commander of the 5th integrated Brigade, Colonel Jean-Marie Kasikila,' underscored Ms Sonia Bakar. 'MONUC team saw human skulls and bones at three locations within the perimeter of the headquarters of the 5th Brigade. During the visit, Human Rights colleagues were approached by people who introduced themselves as either survivals of the massacres or members of the families of the victims ('). They claimed knowing many other mass graves in the area,' reported Ms Sonia Bakar. At this point, MONUC 'is unable to confirm these allegations. A forensic investigation is needed and must be complemented by witnesses' testimonies,' added Ms Sonia Bakar. However, 'MONUC will provide the necessary assistance to the transition government officials to help preserve the various identified sites against deterioration or possible intromission likely to destroy the mortal remains and hence enable the Congolese authorities to conduct investigations,' concluded Ms Sonia Bakar.
'The departure of LRA members from the DRC territory made the news since last week,' also indicated the Director of MONUC Public Information, Mr. Kemal Saïki. Indeed, 'MONUC was due to meet with some members of the Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan armed group on Friday 7 October - noted that the latter had left ' the information was confirmed by the FARDC which maintains a military presence in Aba. MONUC and FARDC travelled to Ima ' 6 km from Aba ' where the Mission noted that the LRA group had left through the same route it came to the DRC, across Imbesi river, towards Sudan,' explained MONUC Spokesman.
The United Nations Secretary-General 'hailed Friday the indictment of six members of the Lord's Resistance Army by the International Criminal Court, referring to it as a strong and clear message by the Court against impunity,' also reported Mr. Kemal Saïki, who noted, 'as of now three dossiers have been filed to the ICC: the Darfour, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the LRA,' echoing the UN Secretary General.
Finally, 'MONUC firmly condemns the heinous and dangerous rhetoric over the media by the provincial leader of UNAFEC (Union nationale des Fédéralistes du Congo),' declared the Director of MONUC Public Information. 'Statements inciting to violence and offence against national security are unacceptable in the current context, especially in a country which is in the process of laying the foundations of a democratic state, respectful of the Rule of Law,' noted Mr. Saïki before highlighting, 'the UNAFEC national leader is the Minister of Justice who has the responsibility of putting in place the Rule of Law.' 'Intimidation and threats against members of the Public Information in Lubumbashi, notably Radio Okapi staff, are also unacceptable. As a result, we are warning any individual who would be tempted to indulge in such activities that they will certainly meet an appropriate reaction. We would react most vigorously,' the Director of MONUC Public Information hammered.