MONUC investigates allegations on massacres in Katanga

3 Mar 2009

MONUC investigates allegations on massacres in Katanga

MONUC dispatched a multidisciplinary team on February 19th and 20th to verify allegations of the massacres against civilian populations in Kabongo, North Katanga.
The team, comprised of Human Rights, Political Affairs and Child Protection officers as well as Military Observers, traveled to Kitenge in northern Katanga. It established that two rival Maï Maï factions slaughtered at least 30 civilians since early February in several villages in that part of Katanga.

The evidence gathered in Kitenge suggests that the number of people killed could be higher.

MONUC also received confirmation of several cases of torture, rape and mutilation of inhabitants by the Maï-Maï who are said to have drunk their victims' blood. The Maï-Maï group was supposedly acting under the orders of Shinja Shinja or throat cutter (in Swahili). The group is alleged to hold a number of civilians in hostage.

The massacres of civilians and the battles between rival factions forced several people to flee their villages.

The Shinja Shinja troops reportedly killed 8 members of DRC armed forces (FARDC), previously FAC on 7 February, pushing the FARDC to seek vengeance on civilians suspected of siding with the Maï-Maï. 3 civilians were reportedly executed on political grounds in Kitenge between February 10 and 17. Another civilian was reported killed and yet another injured during plundering pegged on FARDC elements.

MONUC requests Shinja Shinja to immediately halt the violence against civilians and release all hostages. It also calls on FARDC to put an end to all retaliation against civilians.